Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 6, 25 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Don’t Buy Second-hand Box Mattresses imp'-n d from Coast. lo:id d w:th v?rmia ai>d perhaps inkct'on IF YOU \VANT AN' U \\ OL SJ E D ]V1 \J J f\E S S (io to a respect ible Dt a'er and £ t on** mad-* uew. ff the pub >c kaew as m ich alwul the 0 m?*truct o*i «>f BOX M «tt- s.ses :is they oug t. lhey vvo tld n l Buy them. Thi v «re m:.<* rib efr>u !s at t e r h**.«t. y»u c»>>u 'l tell what t >ev st flVd wt i. T’i**y >re e mbe!>*vm -, unee in and uuh*-» thy. and au* at le i.-l 30 years be'i nd t ; .e a_' ■. ea ii o: b ■ purc » - s •>! in .» iiv g> al»ead plaee m Ihe K ist. > \ - Buy - K Wdveii Wire Mattress an.l lA-eii abr- st \vith tho t raes nd wlun huyiug ask for B»iley’s H>>uo'nlu madH. N >u-c>'rr.>sive Solid Coraforl S; ri g B-ds. thon vou wiil not be troul>ied with a b 11 of repa:rsj|Very few mo >ths. Bny a Woven >\ ire M ittress, A Xon-Corrosive Mattress, A H .nolula Mad* Nu.ttre5s, A Gucd \Vholesorae MattresaJ N>t a Box M>ttress. For s->le by a’l respectable dealers iu the city and by 1 ... W0VEN WIRE BAILĒY, Hotel S*reet. Honnlnlu, (next door t> llorn’s Steam B tkery.) aug 14-lm lo\/eJoy &C0r WjjolB$alB Wiqe Li^uoi 1 M\W$ is*n* uuanu Street \S*e won’d eall y ur j-t!e»>t:on to Oor Br.i»ids Longhfe <% Pure Cream % RY£ WHISK£Y. Fredericksburg S££R au2 in e 1 3 \3 >-r b-tlles

Capt. Wm. Davies, Ki2ra:er, Stevedoi*e and "W :vcker. E>TniATES AXD CO\rflACTS ONUi .VLL KISDS 0F WORK. St aa»rr »ill run r. - W i> .n.ie, snd VVav Lmd i.g. «Oe* of i. S. WAnoaJjrtx