Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 6, 25 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

“ THE SUN 44 ALL.” Muiual Telephono 314.

( Clioice jlorses iluetion. ON .... Saturdar. - Sspt. 20, ut 12 o’eloek noou, I will sell »t Pub' : c Auct : on in front of my S >!• s li >om without reserve, tl»e foUcwing HnrsES ar±d MarES, 1 Fami!y bl»ck horse. 154 h;»nds 7 yeurs old, br iken to har—ness iiiul s obl »* 1 Kiee horse ‘‘Tr vcVr,” best J mile horse i;i t‘ie Hawuiiaii lslands 2 Uay iiorses broken to s,idd.e aud harness 1 Wh*te m»re with f-ml, br«*ken to s dd e a.id iiarncss 1 Wbit8 b'-rse, brukeu to sad«l!e and luiriiess 1 St mf.ird tnare “ llth June,” 1 “ “ with f > il i 1 Boswell “ 3 years old LEWIS J. LEVEY. Anctioneer. THE COMMERCUL SALOON Harry Klemme, Manager Cor. Nuuanu «fc Boretmia sts. Houolulu, H. I. The Only Sp'>rtmg House in Town»O. S. a Specialitv. I ; i j L0HENGRIX LAGER 'BEER, Always ou Dr«ught. i' 2 GLASSE9 FQR 23 CENTS. 3 i * BeH of Wines, Liquors, * and Cigars, ALWAY3 OS HAND. J jnl tf ‘ Chas. T. (julick e ' ‘ NOTAR> PUBLiC e r. r e o o it r. e For the Island of Oahu. Agem to Take AcknowIe<lg;nent> to Lnbor Contmcts. , Agent to Gmnt Lieen ses. Uonoluia, Oahn. Agent for tiie Haw’n Isl»»ii<ls ol PiTT A: Scorr s Freigbt and P«rcels Express. Ageat for the Barlingtoa Konle. 1 M Estatg Bnbr aai 3«isral k % ‘ 1 liell Tel. 349; Mal. Tel. 139; P. O. Boi 41ō. i OFF1Ce! No. 3S MERCHAM *strM«t Rni»nlnln 13 • » 1 ■ Tal Wo Wing Kee Co a* NCt'ASC dTEEET D#slers in Ladies’ £ Geats’ B jot *n i ShcM6 ms.de lo ordcr, ru9ozanr b*