Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 6, 25 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
iThf Halamm £ i!cnAar. •E/T 35 HW. j( l'n W fl. Fr Sml N’e» \ioon, ;— .vcg. i 12 3 4 Qo«rter. Aug. 3 ( 7 S 9 10 II Fnil Moo». ”, Ane.1. H 14 l*‘ li • n„r!^r *» « «. «6? -2i 2r -T) 31 Aag. 30 » i wrt' i* F<>nr. \*VAL VES«tl.«. H B M 8 II} i : nth, Mny, B C. HEHCHANTMEX. S« Vlkn, Hwapann, SanFr.n. i •• . iiwwnw, Port iUakeh'. ,iii« J ■*„<■• nnen, RF. V t r- \mella, "'nM. fcnrekm. A , l.r \i rtha D*Ti<i»,Cemax B. C. V,’ ij Ir v.n W li m», SF, M» Ir i-i». Ne»c*stle. . r' STi !’. ;. B nhui.Newe ittle NS W. i. s j; j’ Bith-rt, <*or is>n, SF. I, 'ii »r . Ntwcastle, N S W. jtk ( I) Brv» »t. Jajjib<*n, S F. Fmr... i’luaHina NeL..n, Fang» U. \ >, k w11 l»itji-»n«i. Nil»»n. SF. i'i»r.f:u.> nm. *cru<'C. e , , -*rjt< wi 1 1 leave for nn<i nrr vo ‘ s.m l rincisco an<l other foreign , ., nor »l»ont the f »l!owing <Ute8, ' • close oI lt»l. E Ho\OU'tC I»CK AT HOSOLCLC s>n Fraxct«ooJFii. Svn Frascwto ; Vancocvf.r. ! oe Vancocvcr. I;u Re<jnaof iiieEmpireBaloon lias inado a new ileal wliioh will touch thu honrts, or at least the ]>.ilates of many a tbirsty wander | er. He kt'<*i'S ■'half—and-half on draught i»nd serves a most de | licious and eool boveri«ge. far 1 6upcrior to“plain’ becr. eo 17 tf J. J Williama tbe well-known Arlistio rhotographer is making •i sj>ecialt3* of portr«its on W«tch l)inls aud Silk H«ndkerchiefs. t'ornplcte sots of Lantern slides 1» i tmes be hud at the galler\’l’or lhey aro sold at a roasonable liguro by the dozou or by tho buudred. Thoro are import <t>t casos in v. 1. 'i ihe dell r3iioe betwecn a rl .md a whole he irt makes llie d< lb-rei.ee htt>veen s guul ih f <t and a s;ilcnd;d Victory. •‘I.k S m outshioes A11.” Bethel Strett N. BREHAM. Eethel St. Mnlual Tel. 314. aug 22 * CARD OF N0TICE. SA C >.. i'ill remove t' Ar li . n li ek Hotel Str<ct. where t v will be b.-tter ub!e to serv< &i d ple >?e their P«tron8. Will keep on hand all the latest |>a]iers. ]» . k Si <ti>Miery, P«jriodlcal8 «t N v tu s, in all branches of the trade. se 14 tl Cl^dUlT —OF THE — IX PROBATE. In tbc malter of Xbt oi H65E MAl mo, Ute ol Honolula, 0*bu, des»«Med, m Ur»taU*. On thf rt*»<tii:v *n«l fillng tkc 0 MUS NANCt STILLMAN of «k» Hoooluhl » ein* ihai Ho»r Molieno (4 «W Honolulu Ui«l inioiaie ml *atid H<<i»olul«», on tne «; <>t Fcbru*rJ, A D. 85M. mnd j>rmviBR >'»» ol AdiuaiirtntUon W»t>( <o fcer. <*! Nmuvjr Miiimui. _ . . . li i- onltsd, iluu oo FBIDAT.U»e9u<t«U of SE?rKMBtkR, A. D. ISW. «>e »>«4 betrl< l» ai»j<oluu-d for he*ring «»kl |>cijthiu, lo tb <\>arin>ora ol ’hU Coatt. *t Hooololu. J mhieh tlinv »ud jvU(* *!) pemoe* eonenw b>v ij<jj-»r aod »uow !»aw, il «ny thcy !>»vi '>.>> Mia ueUUoa *h<*uld ool U- >n* D, ? s - D» lioaoliau. H. CBAKLU F. FETERSOy. Clerk •uj. 8HWt ».> 'ITOHAN, M | '<I'OB FER AKO DEALFJ1 IN OKNKKA I Mcn-h<uiujH9 ExclBiUVtly ol ‘iiuUH«n>—V E & RLTAt 2W ut 1 ‘J0S For« S>U*?t. « 0. Ikn ue iluluai Toks