Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 6, 25 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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nH 7 c irSAT08SUP Somctimes m ■;• t „ ol»«se any p irtioi. ir ;,»t not if yon haopen to nr, * tliing in the line <>f £ptists’ Suppl:-:s, TT—or enlargetl portr.i’ s, t’ bul one {'laee in Ho t pnrcluiso uil mater. i<. 1 t 1\ IJSG BB( ihero is no ri\al 0:1 i [slands. Tlie linest p.uut'n_:> i . ; , ure on ex!ub;tion in tl - , The firm makos a > enlarging portraits - v niitking pictnro fr n ; verv latest st\ les e i'n. In the sheet ]iictiii > t' v bave thonsands to s !. whieh they invite au at auy time. KIXG HoteI Streot, : : ; H aug 'Jō-1 md y. Exira 0RDtNARY ML'.i FOR H0USEWIVE3 ar.d MATx! ALLYINCUNED MEK. S. Kubey & Co.. N > 41S N* !i nu strt>< oppos.tv C-i‘tr.i M' <t y i S‘ j c.vifl T Tand !• ;r •■ r - have imp rt. ! *n **». .r,u amoiint of FURNITURE' F'rom the C ist Thev are |>ro; r d t > SE’.f. B- st Art:cU-s ..t lowest m le i ;s Money istigl:t a d nouo • f hav« m> re ti» n«v know w,. * ) do w;th. KUUEl' <t CO. !■■ th’s, andare docrO;sing } ; !. > * snit the tm.es. If yon know tho v »’noof u. deu \vitu S. KL’!l!iY C>, ’*-r ’. tb**irst<.ro, O*• ! •<». Ivg l ; er tow.»rd boyi. g Fi K'iil ii than three al auy other pi eu ■ tho tuwn. On Saturdiy even;:.gs. <»> 9 P.M. Don ? t forgvt toe adi!r<ss S. Kt'BEY C ).. Oupo. C« tral .' 1 . M r. t Pe;. Persors !»5>r : rg F rn;r :ro to sel! will d » w.ll bv e P r. ■ seIO tf. ns. plalional īron Woi^ QC£K3 StRFET, Betweeu Alakea ie Richard Sts, TIIE UN , DE3tSĪGSE{> a-e 13 nu>ke rll ktntie •>( Iron Bra.*4, Eioaia, Zino, Tia acd i_ea i Ai'O Geseral I5eput Shop for S;eaiu Euipae», Riee U1II4, Corn MiU», 'V»!er Wh*ei-4, W ;».l M.->. '. Maehinen !or the l CoOvc, Ctml jt Oiis, ileana. Ihuuie, Sisa!, t*ineapp!e Lauue « otL« Fiarous l'iaui*, Aml P*per Stt>ck Ako Maehiīii'' for St-rch 1»op» the Uanioo, Armw Uvot, etc. ur Ail OKlan proa.pt!y •tten«le<l ta. WHITE. RITMAN C0.