Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 6, 25 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
A,SSiQ!4EE S S^LE! THE ESTTRE ?TO»:K OE Wenner & Co. WH-l. BE SOLI» Regard'ess of Cost.\ PIONEEK Steam CANDY Factory. s ltil«KRY aml Ice Cream Parlors 1 »863 W "" 1894 mij £ HT PRACTICAL CONFEC IION KH AND ORNAMENTER /»• «7/ hrn.iches of Ihe hu»inet» o.i these itlandi. Amcrican, English, Gcrman anel Frcnth PASTKIES Maile to Ordcr. BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CAKES M*de ot the Very Bcst Matcrial and at Rcasouablc Rates. Family 6raham &. Fancy Bread AUtay» on Ha.iā. ALL COXFElTIOAERY Manufactured at My Establishmcnt Are Guar*n(ccd to bc 'Po«tively Pure and Sold at Priccs no other ealahli'limenl ean eompele with. FACTORY AND STOK£. No. II Hotcl Street, Honolulu. Both Telephoncs No. ~4. jy-d Per S.S. AUSTRALIA ,t’rom the Coast CAMARINOS Refrigerator • Contain a Full Supply ot* lee House, sueh as Frozen Oysters, Crabs, Fresh Salinou, CanliHower Celery, Muscat Grapes, Peaches, Apricots Mectirines, Japanese Plums Tokay Grapes, Gemian Prunes Crawford Peaches, Silvcr Prunes Rnse Peru Grapes, Bartlett Pears, Siklc Pears, Etc. Califoruia Fruit Market. Mutual Tel. 378 lt yinq-!-F/t-i.chan —: FURMITURE DEALēRS. Bcjt to inform the pnb!lc th*t tbey have [ opened a BraDeh Store at No. 322, Nonwm St, j Whcre they c*rry a eomplele Lne ot B£DROOM ?ET3. CH iIRS, TABLES. WARDROBES. 8TAXDS, Etc., Etc., Etc. Farnltare li«pi'ml »d 0«D*ral Jlobbtn( ai Hnwnuiilo IUIr>. VING FAT CHAN T , F*ctorr. corccr of Sing »34 3clbei 3treeu, sept G-3ms CHI2vr KKE. H0R-SESLI0EINQ 8H0P, Maunaken * Pauah» 8lreet. Ne« iot »11 ro"o>i $ | 50 Oid *ft *11 roonti j Q^j >i«il Duor to N». 5 EngLao JEUm»>k. *Q«J j