Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 6, 25 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Haw/\h^n t|0lJSE L. J. LEVEY Le<-ee \V. R. DAILEY Mandger gaturday, $ept. 20 Will be r-resented f-<r the F1RST T1ME A Grāūd Scenic Production OF THE Two 0rphans! BV THE Dailey Stock Co., of Selected Pl»yers. : un<ler the pers>»nal d<rection of \V. R. DA1LEY. Doors open nt 7;30. Cnrtain wi11 rise at 8 o'eioek prompt. Box plan will opeu at the otSce of L. J. Lavey f<>r the <>pening night on Mond.«y„ Sept. 24, ut 9 A. M. • se22 td F0FC_ S\LE A Complete Hunting Ontfit. (Jne lr sh S< tter b tch of the hest bIo«»d m Anier ei; r»*g ster> (l 'ii the A. K. S. B. uud p. rtly broken. 0;ie Pointer b tch by the eelebrat< d G!eube gi» that e st 1 ui Kflgl<»nd. Oue Pnp tiv3 \veeks o'd father and niothe r tli«»ronghbreeda. Oue Bnckb )ard b i51tesue<‘ially for hni!t!i)g pnrposcs. / One 12 L. C. S n th g io o t o g n»d J d iie»*n(i in nti«* orcler. | Tne abiive outfit will he su!d eheap Knquire of W. H. CUNNINGHAM, Ancbor Saloon. sepl9 tf NOTICEDuring my absence from tl:e co«»ntry after tbe dep»it!.ire of the “O— auie’’ for Ohiua Chin Dock will have full charge ot my busiue?s and affairs generally. Wailukn. Sept 21, 1894 Ah Chf.w. I T<> or Lcase, A IIOU8E on Kin): str. i ct, ucxt to T. E, \V»lkcr« prcmises, eoniainine parK»r, dinning roora, aml threv b€droom». besides i kilehen, bathrtK>m, «tablet. and all modern eoneeuieneee, lately oei-upiiHl ny Mr. D«*nUon. Arte#iau »atcr laid; rent moderalc to rcslon.ihle partr. Addrvs» AHKAHAM FERX.\XDEZ. aus i\--lm ESTATE of petei.o kakoi Dtceased. IJ0TICE 0F SALE, 0F PEES0N.\L PROl’EETY. Hiving being apjK)intod adni i nistmtrix of the est »te >f Peter» Eakoi. decs.>setl. 1 will seU al Pukan'iaouiao, Manna, Oahu, on We4iirs«ay.Sfpl.3«, 1S»9C ;it 13 o’eloek M.. thc foIKnvii g , propertv: 43 Heads of 2 Mule*. 15 Horses, 2 IX»uitev«, 2 P.gs. ’ 8 Cuicken«, aud ail wi‘.d anima'» runniog ou ; lea«ed land. Kaili Kakoi, Ad<ainisirotrix uf tae aaUte of Petero Kak\ii. , Hunoluiu, Scpt. 21.1894. sep22 3ts EmpLre Saloon, JAOLD5, Paorau3oa: piae Wiiies, Liquors. 3eer alwas ox ha\d. UGi)n*r 9 SanāJM aad Ilolei Stn«U T«kpt»a* 341. Poat OAk &»;W7