Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 6, 25 September 1894 — LADIES' COLUMN. [ARTICLE]
/ Th «e who think th«*m9e!vfsj v rllv-«i8* act in v ri as ways; th t re bth i; t-rvst r>g s*nd in- ' structive. V»u c»n pcrsu.>de a b > ni>n īrto anjtbing g» >1 bv tne dH1 gent «:Se • f nrd su< .■ rt- arr . r .t. b;tth s b > n» we ehl w:th a woomn. Th*y Lke wb;it thtv l:ke bec»use . Th y are n> re e relui, kmw value« b>tt>.r. w.,i r.ot be dec-iv»d | f • t:ilk Q ilek S> > s and >;> i Profits w;tbo t ...e n r.g t, wouSd> b,‘ su.c de. do t:Is .t d > ; me.iQ ;t. O.r sa‘es sh>»w >*• u j 8 ls>>. "bekev- it. its t» thos* «b • in;>v be miacq :aintcd ‘a:th this fact th.it \ve uie try > g to re ich. We si d we wouUl aunton WO LFN\iO 08 th s week and ; s > we w.L. We h v • b- eu mak;ug e ns d r*b;e eti rt 1* r s me t me t kek to buv tbe b st t be b>d ai liie 1; e. »d w:!l orf- r this «e k S'me. ftb>ni tul> raestC-shm r s ev r t#Rd in H uolu.n. Our evenihg sh;>des t’ Co!ored W«»o.et.s ..re p>tve be «nt.es —in f >ct iu our iu •1 1 C>. red W >»‘ieus it w.»u d be h ad to ; sk you f »r what vou Wiiut and nit flt.d it.. lhese gi. ds run in ail qa »l:t.c-s \\ith Qaici Saks ;>nd S all Profit 1 j»r;ces. We h \e a f« w ren nants of Bl;!ck C s >mere, just wliai you \vant —bec use they ;>re your’s f>»r I httle money. We ;uso want to n eutdn Hsndkerchiefs. We h ve smie very handsome en.br. ider. d ones A s » a goo«l stoek of de3r«b'e pluin ' ones —A'hiie every e »uuter in the store »\ U e >uv nee you ■ f all we : s v b »ut Qaick S «les and Small Prufits. B. F. EHLER3 & C0.