Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 6, 25 Kepakemapa 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp’y. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaiian Hardware Comp’y.

September 17. 1801 If we remember corr8ctly tbe *‘Ch:«r!estin” was tbe first of the “Whiie Sqa drr>n ’ to vis t Honolulo. Her arrival rn her secomI cru>se is still in the mi:uls of peoj who were here on January 29, 1891. When with at , half raast and yards eock-baiIt sbe entered port with the body of King K ilakana, the kind attentior.s sho’.\n by the oflicers to the King dnr i g the voyage to the United St ites and the. a niost sacred mmncr in whieh thc bodv was gnarded wu leheni borne to the Is’a:id.s, eud are l tbe “Charleston” to the peo. le of Hawaii. As mueh a> it was in i the pow r of the peoj»le, tueir * api»reciation wiS sbown to tlie oflicers daring their stay and when sailed they left graven on tib!ets of Iove a”d noeniory.evidences of tlieir Alohu f v Hawa.i. Few. if anv, of th- oflic> rs who were here then arc on tbe vess.l now; sonie have reached the a"e of retirement and others n !iave gone to oth r vessels bit the Charlcston is still green in i the heait o f the Hawaii;ms. Have you ever used a Pansy St »ve? We have beeu selling them for four or five years and !to dav thcy wear the ‘*Yellow Co.it” in tbe empiio of stoves. They are recognized by ev ry oue, even dealers in other stoves, as a superior art:cle and one whieh they do aot care to run np against. 0f conrse st )\:es mav O • bo bongbt from people who are aot dealers. We have people rnnning here every day or two for firo br cks and parts belongj ing to stoves they have bonght from other parties, and when they fiiul tl»ey ca.nuot gefthem ; they discard tbeir stoves and i ' bnv a “Pansy Yci s?e therc is a disadvantoge in buying dear things at low pr;ces. C>»me io ; ns arid get a Pansy at 81) 00 and you get fnll valne for yonr rao- i ney. Yoa don’t get a s7").00 | range for fiftt-eu dollars. mind vo i, bnt \ou get a first class ; stove that is worth Thirty dollars to any one Our Keady Mited Paints are s nted to the wuits of i.eople who j . h:ive a Iitt!e paiuting they waot p | to do lhenise'.ves. The advantage in buying a prep >red paini is tbat yon have the benefit of tbe best mixcrs iu the United St.;tes withont having to pay f«n* i it. The paint is veady for use , directly you tuke the top oti’the , i ean and if yon don’t find it ehoap 'er aud better tban any you em I raix vcurself wo ;>re mistaken in our experience In Califoruia the i i ainters are as : ng tho pr-pared j m . article in prcference to bnymg lead and oils lecinse they find it to their advantige to do so We believe it is only a q ;estion of tirae when the paiuters bere will fall into lino. Hanging lanps are in as great demand now as ever. People j ; seem to want something for ligbting pnrposes th «t wi!l give as good light as the sun—they fi d it in tbe Jara;*s «e are giving away. Our eheap stand lam)»s are |an exeelient thing for a servauts | J room and wiil fiud a ready s.»le in the lsland stores. We ean snpply any dem«nd. for a single lamp or for a thonsand. There‘s lots cf Hawai : ans i wbose Kuleana» need fencing 1 and we have the wire with whieh to do it. We havea!so the ma- j terial for buihliDg a fence that will last until long after thfc mil'euium. Instead of {>jiying a I high prioe for posts, oreveu get- I ting them for tLo catting, your fence will cost you k-ss ra ney if you bny steel stay3 and washers aud make a Jont*e Locked fence. j We hive everything yoa waat ; in the bardwaro and bouse fur- j nishing goods 1ne you wi»h. | { And we coart investigation as to their quahty aml j rices. fte Hilaūl ialiiiK &. , Fort Street s