Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 24 September 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.
S?pteraber 17, 1S94 If we remember c>>rrec5ly the “Charle*-t >n” wis lbe first of the “Whiie Sqc dr>n ’ to vistt Honolulo. Her arrival on her secdfcj crnise is st:ll in the rainds of pgople who were bere on Janmry ‘29. 1891. When vrith nt hilf raast anJ yards eock-boilt she entered port with the body of King K ilakaua, the kinJ attentions shown bj the o£5eere to the King Jnring the voy»ge to the UniteJ St;ites and the. a - raost sacred manner in whieh the bodv was guarJeJ wb le be.n>r borne to the Is!anJs, enJ".iretl the “Charleston' lo the people of Hawaii. As moeh as it.was in the powrr of tbe people, t..eir appreciation w s shown to the officers Jaring their stay and when saJeJ tbey left graven on t>blets of love ai.d memory.ev-_ iJen<Jes of their Aloh'i f>r Hawa.i. Fe\v, if any, of rs who were heie theu are on the vessel uow; some have reacbeJ tbe age of retirement and otbers have gone to other vessels bit tbe Cbarle>ton is st:ll greon in the heart tbe Hawaiims. Have yon ever nseJ a Pansy Sb>ve? We have beeu selling them for four or five yenrs nnd to day thoy wear the “Yellow Coat” in the empire of stoves. Tbey are rccognizeJ by evi ry oue, even dealers in otber stoves, as a superior artiele aud oue whieh tbey do not eaie to run oo agaiust. Of course stives may bo bought frora people who are uot dealers. We have poople ruuning liere every day or two for fire bricks nr.J parts belonging to stoves they bave bonght frora otlier parties, and when tbe}' find they canuot get tbera tbev discard tbeir stoves und bny a “Pansy ” You soe there is a disadvantage in buying dcar thiugs at low pnces. Corae io us and get a Pansy at 815 00 and yon get full value for your money. You do:i’t get :« 875.00 range* for fifteen dollars, miud vou, bnt \ou get a ll>st class stove that is worth Thiity dollars to any one Onr Eeady Mited Paiuts are s'iited to the wauts of naople who bave a litt!e painting they want to do theraselvos. The advantage in buying a prepired paint is tbat yon have tbe bonefit of tbe best inixcrs in tbe United St:ites without baviug to pay for it. Tbe paint is ready for use directly you t.ike tlio top off tbe ean and if you don’t find it eheap er aud better tban auy yon cju raix ycurself we are mUlaken in our esperieuce' in Califoraia tbe rainters are us’ug tbe prepared article in prefereuco to buying lead and oTls bec.mse they find it to tbeir advantage to do so \V e believe it is only a question of tirae when the paiuters bere will fall into line. Hanging lamps are in as great ' demand now as ever. People seem to want something for lighting porposes thst wiil give as good light as tbe sun—they find it in tbe lamps we are giving away. Oor eheap stand lamps are an exc dlent thing for a servants room and will find a ready sale in tbe Island stores. We ean supp!y any demaud. for a singte ! lamp or for a thousand. There's lots of Hawai : ans I wbose Kuiopna» need fencing ' | and we have tho wire with whieh 'to do it We b»re also the raaI terial for building a fenco tbat «ill last until long after tbe milj lenium. lnstead of paying a h;gh price for p«'sts, oreven get- 1 ting tbem for iLe cattiog. yonr fence «ill cost you les3 m >ney if you buy steel sttys and washers and make a Jones Loeked lenee. We have ereryioing you want in tbe bardware and hou.se furn.sbiug goods line you 1risb. I And we court investigation as tu • their quality and prices. fēs Hawaīia Butvare Ei’ . 807 Port Stn«