Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 24 Kepakemapa 1894 — An Unjust Charge. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

An Unjust Charge.

Tbe Ad\trli*rr recect’y eon- ; ta ne»J a “story' abqnt a gambl- , u>g aaaehmē 1n tbe Merehant s j Excbaoge whieh annnying } to Mr. Seeley Shaw. tb* proprietor iof tbe m>."utioned establishment. The m -ehiue wLieh is * very in1 nocent nickel-in-tbe sbot eon- , trivance was brougvl lo Hopoluln j by Mr. Shaw s assist«nt Mr._ Klemme a short while ago. Before pntting tbe maehme into ; cffect theauthorities were request- J ed to give an opinion as to tbe iegality of runnmg it uuder flawaiian la£ A test case was arranged for at the request of tbe «<;tborities and will be tried tomorrow. Mr. Shaw dep! >res that : ;iis name shouId have been mixed np w th any sh«dy tr«nssctioo thr mgh the stupul ty or maliee of an Adcfrti*er reporter.