Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 24 Kepakemapa 1894 — WRONG AGAIN. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


\- — ll<o A 'nrti' r contained an 1 1 it T.ul a foj> (l.tys ago iu whieh vvhereVas a lrimuphant howl becan.se, <s it elainoi J, no papers iu ’lo ol.A i woro cJitod by HawaiiI ans. \ We Jo iot think that it niakes the slightost J.tL-r-nce uho writes iii article as Iong as the points in it are woll-taken anJ Jeserving ,of an answer. In a recent eontroversy between France anJ EnglanJ, the opiniou i[noteJ by i G rman journal gaiueJ consiJerableattei.tion aiulhaJ a strong ofroct. '! he partios nnJ jonrnals | «>f ErglaiiJ aml France JiJ not , enqniie into thl»nationality of tho writer. they siinply Jealt with the facts set forth anJ reachod ui uiuleistinJing through fhat | methoJ. AnJ so it i- in Mawaii. The I JifF rent journals I.eie ruay not be « lit« J by pure Uawa«ians\but thoy nndoubtedly eonlain senti«uculs «>ut of whieh all |>eople intoresteJ in tho prosperity of Hawaii ean leani a lesson. The <usi3 of the native Hawaiian ean lx b< lter attend J to aml Jcfei «1eii bv half-wlnte writers or by foreigners intermarried with the iiawniiana than they eau by a iniss : ouary eJitor whose [>ast 1 proves him to be a sycophant to i the Hawaiians and a bumtner on I Kalakana. • I For the iuforraation of the ex- ' attorney-generaI we will state tliat tiiree are their pipers pub- ; lislied in Honolulai by [>ure nativos. The res{H>nsible e«litor of I Uio M'Ikkhi ( naua is Mr. IV. H. I\’aj>a, tho editor of Aloha Aina is Mr. J. Kaunamano anJ the eJit >r of the A’ t>i\>*i is Mr. Ka- . waiuui. Ail tliree publish weekly paj>ers iu tho Hawaiian language; anJ only the i.»st mouiioueel f»vors the ropublic of the missioraries. Fho eJiton«ls in the A’ «okoa are goueraliy writteu bvtbeR*v. S. i E. Bishop aud his gmg, and I thoro ure consequently no reasioa to croJit Mr. Kiwainui with tbe work Jone. He lends his uamo auJ reads proof, and Jraws h s s»I:«ry: au 1 there his conoect- 1 k>ns w ith the Kuokoa end. The editor of the Adrerti$er has ! to be excu>eJ for making his gUriog mistakes. Tho poiuU taVon by him are very poor snd l<y him opea to a ridioale from wbich we siocerily wish to sbield bim. Siuoo he at the cxpet»sc cf tho Hawaiian government, travdeJ arouud the \vorlJ with a i liuWHĪian ktng many things have happeneU heie. Hia total igno- ' I nuee of the presentst>tus creates : oir profoaud sym; athy for him j —anj for tbe P. C. Adi*rii*er. i