Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 24 September 1894 — The Lawyers and the Oath. [ARTICLE]

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The Lawyers and the Oath.

1d its Ust issiu> the Star has h gre»t deal to s*y aboat roembers of the bnr who have not takeu the oath to the >epnb)ic. lt ilispUys a great ileal of iuvliguation agaius( thc saivl U«yers aud at the s*ti)o time »hows a groat deal of ignomncc. lf our eveuiog couleraporary , knew the provisions of the late constitntion made undor tho anspicos of the patrons of tb«t paper, it vould remembor tbat the qaestion reiating to the ob-j ligati n of of the bar taking the oath settled in a moet nnmisukeal/e manner. For tbe bcae/ of tbe Star we pnhliah tbe tr/i&actions of the oon»titotioaal cLive ntion relatiog to tbis matter. * On the 30th of JuneCounc)llor McCandlot>ssaid: '‘Tbere was a ehanoe that auy Uvyei might be reouired to tut ou Uie ISaprerao Bouuh iu case o l tbo of any !SuI i '•* ■■■ Vt.. ' • ■ ■:>$'■'

preme Jnstice. Tbts wonld rer,Jer it for «ny ooe. wbell.er Le bad Ukentbeo.tb , f a ;iegiince or not. tn decide on j qrcstj r « affecting tnis con»titu- j iion . , | <,'ounciil r Brown gjddJ»e.^*h«»T 10 Lj" v 11 xwit*7tdin votmg on tbe I 7ae-{i a. He «a< n member of tiie ljiir, A:id he d,d not waot it i said tbat he had roted to make Uie b<r cl'*se corporalion. M{ni-ter Sroith tbooght that j lhis was Eoing a .ittle too f*r i 11 did no: tfaiuk it necessary to revoke * lawyer*s licen.se «ny i more than to take away tbnt of a phvsici.m. Co«t.cidor T nney did not like ! n.e am<ndienL It seeroed b> be dir» ct <i at a few !awyers w th , roy c tendencies. Min ster H-»tch said that be ■ ' coutd not snpport tbe proposed j aiikm;<lment. He did uot tbink it i liLiI to t ,ke aw»y aman’ssoorce l iivmg becanse be wfg »g:iinst ; tb s for<n of g >vernment. I)ele-j gr,te Iosepa thooght the amendment «as a soacd one. TLe vote resnlted in a tie and t!io Pre- dent v ting against the ' amendmeut it was lost. And vet tbe .S7ar and certain gieat man in the Su|<remc Conrt lrv to coerce men into the ranks ; of ti.e republic in tbe face of tbe exprcs>ed aud eudorsed opinion f tlie leading men ol tbe eonvention. H>w long, Ou i.ord! I will tbese inequities be tolerated.