Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 24 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Golden , Rule Bazaar, . Depot for NEWSPAPERS axd PERIODIC ALS by even incomiag steamer. Subscri|>iioos Payable iu Atlvanōe. D0MESIIC SEWING MACHINES. Tbis Miiehiae ; s tbe Kir.g of all. On 't you eau make a Loekstitcb. Chaiu-stitcb. Embroidery, liuUon bo!es, RufHes, Tucks. Guitars, Lawn Tennis, Baseball, Croquet. Statiouorv anel Blauk Books at 2CiT - CAS« pRICES. Hand Se\vii*«' Macbines frora ei"bt ilollars aud a balf up. [jy27 T. H. Dayies| & Co., X-iiaūa.itecSL Fresh Feed rnd F!our From WASHINGTON. Llona Flour, Oats, Bariey, Middlings, Bran, er “ W rrimoo,” Just to H nd. New DryuGoods Crockery, Hardware, i Groceries, ( To21Hond. r— fobJ — ' BaileyKHonoiulu Made Wire Woven I | Matressesiand Hammocks * jj-u I WE ISVITE ALL EAiOKERS | To <mU and inapeei onr Uts imporUtion of th j «*l«braUHl ti. B. D. p, pea. t