Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 24 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
MACFABLANE &. C0. l)cakrs in \Vines and Spirit-i Kaahaniana S»r&et, Houolnin. H. E. McINTYBE & BRO.. G ’.oceu» . F’ef.d Stobe «fc Bakep.t, Corner of King an«f Fort Sts.. Honolnln | J. PH1LL1PS. * J FHACT1CAL PLUMEEH, OAS.FITTEE :OPPER-SMITH, £Konso auJ Sbip Job Work Promptly ExecnteJ. — No. 71 King Street. Honolnii. I)k. MeLENNAN. Fort Strwt, sbove Hotel. Mulual Te’ioplioae 1 >r olHoe; 2S7 tbr residence. jy2S 1:0. 0 KOWE. Hou.<e Si(jn and Oinamenial Paivier. M.nut'icture <>f I.irjuid Slatmg. 020 King Slroet. :uigl f | LEWIS J. LEVEY, Heal Estate ;ind Oeneml Auctioneer. Coni«r k Furt au 1 Quecu Streets. Houolulu Personal attention giveu to Sules of Fnrnitnro, Ueul E.state, Stock and Gener»<I Meicl>andiso. Mniiiiil Te!eohooe 238 “ FAT BOY.” BAY H0R8E 8 LOON ! P. McINEKXY, Fropkietor, Fine Liquors, Wines and Beer. COKNEH I)KTHEt, ANU ItoTEL STS. Honolulu Carriage Manufactory W. W. WRIOHT, Peopriktoh, (Succe*sor tg G. W«st). ( X ARRIAGE BUILDING vxn REPAIRING. V> All Order» from ihe Othcr Islan-.i~ iu the C«rriagc BuiliUng, TViniining and Patnting Line "ill Mect vrith Pn»mpt AMenllon. HUek-milhinii: in All Its Variou~ Branchcs Donc. P. O. Bo\ w.‘l. Nos. 12S anil I:>0 Fort Strcct. jylt» Iy W. S.LUCE Wine and Snirit Merchant (Hmpf>eU Firt-proof BIock, \IEBOHANTST. HONOMU-U. i 71:BOTH TELEPHOXES:71 —COXSOLIDATED—SODA WATER - \VOKKS •: CO. (Limitted.) Gust. A. Mauer, UA WAIIAX H0TEL BARBEIi Ladies Shampooing a speci- ! oJty. HonohiUi. aug4. Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTHALIA,” j Auothor Invoice of the W orld KenownoU ! FREOERiCKSBURG LAGEB BEER On dranght and bv tlie kog. I Also, as a Specialty, SMALL FRiSH 0YSTERS, KOll OOCICrA.lLS mayl 3ros »QTH'K. JL »w not to j>crm!» »U* jr uniieAl» 'o *“» “*“’ u E»rK«r»i «UJ K.m li 'i'. O* uut »a *tray!ug oa li» «ee UuO» vdl be ;X>UU'.lcJ or ilwk LENTaI wai sixg KEK aoauiaiu. Aa». X ***• ' : '