Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 24 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Benson. Smith & Co., The Corner DRUG STORE » Pnre / Kiue Perfi^haes, Prompt/ Attention, Low Prices Comer Fort »\r Hoiel Sts. &ui -± AKRIVED P e y 'A.^ s tv l| v ' I * French nnil /eotch Gin"h\ms (new) . .10c., 2i.Vi. aml - >c. Victoria Lt5v;is (new). 10 yds for 75c. White Dr*ss Goods (new)... 10c., lōe., -V. 25c., . ;»oc White and Colore;l Dimitios [new] -0c. aud ‘2'h s L!aunel!etts. all colors, (uewj 10 yils for f IC5rTlie oM m \xim—“T!ier » is n vthinj? new amler tho san’’—knoekeel out. Call aml be eoiwinee i. / M. S. LEVY, Who is now a>tt’e l >n Rens\n. Sm th it Co. '* OM St iml, Fort Street. I HOLLISTER & CO. Importars, W \olesile a \d Retiil Dd.ilars .in '( Cig*a»x3, Tobacoo, am> Sroaolr:er3 -^.rticl03. Agents for the Celebrated a.B. O. PTPBS, MADE IN PAHI3. POIUPIEl) WA'i'EE. ISTo Microtoes. |l» U3E3 BT Til2 ON3)UO.vrED SODA WATEH WORKS CO MP AX Y—Li oited. # " Tlae3r |^ , \xxnl3lo. tixe Fo\iiatairx3 2e.TOVL laoAi. m tlar| EXCEPTIN« ONE Puie a.3 Cr37-stal-lzr ’X5S'2’.XX^^S