Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 24 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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44 THE SUN” “ ALL T&TT Mutual Teleplioiif‘ - * 3lT.

Ghoice fldrses Saturda7- - Sspt. 29, at 12 o’eloek noon, I wili sell ftt Publ?c Auel'on in : front of ray S iit-s Hoom without re;prve, the follcwing HorsES and Mares, 1 Krtini ! v bl«ck tior>e, 15$ hands 7 years o!d, broken to harness and s tddio 1 U lee horsi‘ “ Tr f .velcr,” best i inile hnrse in the Hawaiian īsl.Miids 2 B«y iiorses brokcn lo sadd e and harness 1 Wh'te in:jre with fonl, brcken to s dd e a;»d harness 1 \\Tiite horse, broken to saddle aud harness 1 St tnford mare “ llth June,” ; I “ “ with foal 1 Boswell “ 3 years old LEWIS J. LEVEV, Anctioneer. . Long Branch -8ATWmGEstablishment. # This Firel-Cl*8s Bithing R-S'rt hus been enlargeil and is now oueii to the pub!ic. lt is the bt-st plaee on the islands to er>j-*y a Bath, and there is no better olaee to lay «>fl. Si»ecial acconamodations f«>r Lidies. Tr >racars pass the d -»r every half hour, and on S>turdiys and Sundays every fifteen miuutes. C. J. SHKRWOOD. jv24 Proprielor. THE COMMERCIAL I 8ALOON, Harry Klemme, Manager Cor. Nouanu 13eretn«'a sts. Honolulo, H. I. I * Tbe Only Sportmg Hohse in Town. O. P. S. a Specialitv. LOHEXGRIN LAGER 'BEER, Always on Dr.iOght *' 2 GLASSE3 FOR 25 CESTS. •••••• I BeSl of \\Tines, Liquors, \ and Ci£ars, ALWAYS ON HAND. iultl I Tai Wo Wing Kee Co. i i as xuuast 8TE*et Dftalers io LaUiea' A G«nU’ B-joU 1 and Sboes mado to order. * r U BcorM

Second-hand Box Mattrftsses import d from th<* Coa?t. lcwd d with vermin and perhaps inftction » 1F VOU WANT AN' Uf s H OL sjE^EDf4\T , ff\ESS Co to a're5}>ect ihle Dea’cr and g t une made new. If the pub -c knew a? mneh abont the c<m struction of BOX Mattresses as they oug t, they wo;»Id n t Buy them. T!iey are miserab ! e friods at theīr lv>st, you Ci'»n<»t tell what they st :ff-d w th. Tiiey nre o irnbersome, uueiean and unhea!thy, and are at least 30 years bebiod t!ie aa j , eannol b * j»nrc’i *sed in a iive g » aheud plaee m the East. - Buy - A Woveh Wire Mattress and V» we’l abr-> st \vith the fmes :nd h\u lmying ask f»r B i!ey’s J H<»no nlu made, X'»n-corr >sive / Solid Comforl S|>rii g Beds. then I you will not be troubled with a I b ll of rep:tir- * very few months. Buy a Wovenire M ittress, A Xon-Corrosive Mattress, A H .nolulu Made >ittlres9, A Good Wholesome Mattress] X"t u I5yx M itlress. For sale by all rtr? Vtable dealers iu the city S * ,, tfOVEN WIRE BAILEY, Hotel Street. Honoh In, (nexl duor t» Horn’s Steam Bikery.) ang 14-lm loVeJoy &CQ S W{jolegale Wiqe \ Liquoī' ūealei^ 19 Nouanu Street We wnnld eall y--ur »ttention lo Our Sp»cial Br.mda Longhfe § Pure Cream RYE \VHISKEY. Fredericksburg Beer aaC in casksor bt)tt!es li'on Wop^ Stbeet, Between Alakea «fe Richard Sts, T[fE USOERSIGSED »-« pwp*red to Blkkt rU klnds O I Iron Brua. Droai;, Zinc. Tm *ad ue*A Ai*o Oeoeml Rop«ūr S?*op tor Stmm £ojpo«s Ea* Mill*. Com MiU*. W JU* WkeeU, \Viad MiIU, «e. NL»cLita-s tur ibe Cfe»mog of Coff«e. C«rtar Oila, Ejubm. Si mi, Piaeap. U* Leeve* i otber Fibroas PUnts, AnJ Paper Stock ✓ Aho UatHBH far Eilr»cting Sisitfa fra»» tbo Man'-oe, Aip» Root, *te, [y Aii Onicr» pruuipilr »UooAod lo. WHITE, RITMAN CO.