Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 24 September 1894 — Hope Is Green. [ARTICLE]

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Hope Is Green.

The J. ,\. C :Ui,i,i!is rvturned !ro ii M loh •. ird iv ev-ning, with tho .’ieeki <: j>arty. The | r uf the \\rec c ( rs 1- ok“ <1 r .ther g o.»rny when tho steamcr «rrive<l t ere. Tae sea \vas vorv r >ngh ai J the p >sitiou (>f the wr ck dangeroas. There was no i ehauee ot b >ard ng the bark but a {> ny was 1'>ft a shore to natch opj ort mities. The8cho>ner H.iKak.ila was desp;.tched this mornng a>.J \vi!l r main there on aeeounl of the wreck*‘rs lf ca!ru i weat!ier sh>*uld set iu there are iine elnu.eoā to siveenongli freight t> e ver the expeu>»es now ineurr< J