Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 24 Kepakemapa 1894 — The Conspiracy Case. [ARTICLE]
The Conspiracy Case.
T e s \ epoiiamen charg**tl with cor;s.>irac\ again.st \V. M. Cannirghi.ui api»eared iu the District Coort th:s m'>rning The case was postj*ouē l to Oct *ber the3rd. It is cudersto >d that pro- ! '■•p.'i wili be entered by the gov r: ment &s fur 1** W. M. Gifiird ;s eoneemew, this gentleiuin beiog e >nrieeted with tbo Frcncl> Legat;on as eh mcelor and Conseqn9Qtly bey *nd the jurisd ction of Hi.v;iiii« C » rt-».