Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 5, 24 September 1894 — Only One. [ARTICLE]

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Only One.

« rt.e »re twt» Sc . *etzea Ciūi»? The ooe pr» s:de»i ov**r by Mr H.»rv Kieoi’ue is the geauin * ?.ff.»r. Mr. Ctrl K emme • fth- >• nmiei ;ir»l:ee bas simp v f-rm d * Verein fur mibt»ry and sllu*>t ng pt;r » ««»«. The Utter • rgaa rut.on siuiply eoas uf niem } »ers of fso palie*, while tbe origin.il club «tiil enjoys the fheodsbip of all loyal republic •m- an<l will b? fonnd reidv t> be ou deck «hen the camn*ugu trnmi»et blows.