Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 22 Kepakemapa 1894 — Church Services [ARTICLE]
Church Services
|. . % «T. A.VDEEW S CATHZDBAL. The semces oi the CathedRil Congregation of SL Andrew s Catfaedral for to mcrrow are as fol!ows; 6:30 a. 3i . Holy Cooamunion; 11 a. m Holy Communion and sermon; 7:20 P. M., evensong and sermon. SBCOND COXGE£GAT10S. Tbe serrices ofthe Seeond Congregation of St. Andrew’s Cathedral to-morrow (sanday) will be I as foliows: 9:45 a. m. , morning prayer, witb sermoo; Venite. Stainer in F;TeDeum, Buck in B; Benedictus Tuner in A; hymns 178 and 220; anthem. M God is a Spirit,” by Bennett, 6;30 P.M., evecsoog with sermon; Maguificat. Walmes’ey, in G; Nane Dimittis, Crutch, in A; antthem. j“B!essed are the Mercifa!,‘’ by Hiles - hymns 183 and 20. Rev. Alex. Mackiutosh, pastor. All are cordially invited G XTP.AL LNTOX CHVBCH. Sunaay, September 23. —Rev. 1 Robert G. Hntchins, D. D , will preach at 11 a. m., and at 7:30 p. m. Morning iopie, “Is prayer a force in the universe of God?” Evening topic, “Recreant ehildreu of righteoas parents.” All are cordially invited t» atteud. Sunday Sc!iool at 9:45 A. M Y. M. C. A. 8ERVICE8. I Sunday, 11 a. m , «t Oahu Jail; 1:15 P M , at the Barracks; 3:30 p. m. , Bible stndy at Y. M. C. A.; 6:30 r. M,, Gcspel praise service at Y. M. C. A. LATTEP. DAY S.UXTS. (. Reorgmized Cbuich of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints; Mili. lani Ha!l, rear of Opera House. Services wiil be held on Suuday as follows: 10 A. M., Bible class; 11.15 A. M. and 6:30 P. M., preachI . mg. — VHU1STIAX MISSIOX. Meetings at Harmony HhII on King stre(t, between Fort aud Alakea streets. rreaching by T. D. Garvin at 11 a. m., aml 7:30 p. m Morning tberae: “Go^' cailiug the as8eral>lies.” Even ng tbeme: ■ “The missi*>us of John ihe l>iu>tizer and Chiist tbe h,ealer. Bible c.1hss at 10/a. in. All are invited to ntt’ ud. Seats are free. Tbe ordinauce of Cbristian • baptism wlil be nd uinistered at 1 3:30 p. m.