Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 22 September 1894 — An Editorial Tom-Tom. [ARTICLE]

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An Editorial Tom-Tom.

The editor of tbe Adrerli»er is not devvting bi« fp«ce to “gass hiek” tbe editor of liie Holokca becans> be likes the job or ne-ds *omething where with to fill h;« colom:>s. He has qmte a different object io view. We are t w«re thnt be gets »ngry «hen evef we refer to his P«r;sian experieoces with Kalaknua —lbe ed:tor of tb:s p«per happened to be tber^*—bat iheo tbat fact wou!d Dotmakehim tumble dowa to bis tTe?ent level of a “personal joorna..st’ and a poblisher of vulgar almanaeh atories. The »©cret of the whole busines» is e«(*ily explained. He use8 bis editorial g 'ng to furtherorder and w th a dtsire to drown. at all hazards, the claaaor whieh now ariees against his electr e road. He l>«lieve« ihat the pe-»ple will forget iiis litlie electr;c schetne by his free and abundant tise of high aounding rords about sedit;on. conspiracy, libe’.s, j r!soti8. j.«ils, court niarti«ls and ex-; , cutii»n8. He desires to u«e imsginary conspiraeie» and a g. ner;«i i*c.«re to excite the puhlie suffic:entiy lo 1« se s gbt cf the franchise for whieh he ha. petitioii(*l. He is out iu liis rtcxoning though. The j*top!e of Honoluln h;*ve their eyes wide open _ Thev know that there is no eonspiracies going on, no danger to the peaee of Ihe country, no s-di-tion. But thev all know that there is a l»ig swiudling gamc on foot whieh, if notchecked in tiine, would be of eole benefit to editor Armstrong nnd his syn*licate. fhe ' noiae whieh be u’ekes witb bis | editorial toui tom deceives nobody. j it only calls inore atUntiou to bis j little eelieme.