Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 22 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Golden Rule Bazaai», - Depot for NUWSPAP£RS PEKlODICAXtS by every ir.corain" steamer. Subscriptions Payable in Advance. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHLNES. Ti.is M’.eliine s the Kmg of nll. On t you e.in make a Loekstitch, Chnin stitch. Embroidery, Hiitton-h »les Ii ;ttles, Tucks. Qnitars, Lawn Teunis, Basebull. Croqnet. St:itionerv aml Plank Books at ICash Pbices. Huml S>.-wing M.\cbines from eii^l»t tloIhirs and a half np. [jy27 T. H. Davies & Co., X-.ixo.ited.-Fresh Feed and Fiour From WASHINGTON. Lioni Flour, Oats, Bar!ey, Middlings, Bran, er “ W irimoo,” Just to!3H nd.
New DrynGoods Crockery, Haidware, Gr»ceries, ToJIIancU, 8 fob“ Bailey}IHtioluiu Made Wir Woven Matre>sescand Himmocks j.v24 I C1TY »4YAGB 00. Quee: tnd Fort StrceU. W>ī«b t Bl*ck &>nd. ! 0nyiag Donet Rcumibte Ratc*.