Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 22 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

00NSA1VES K<»p«oa Hv'!; , - of tbc Vfrr Best ?mm Soa In of ■W,, 4‘i, jū. flt - , nilā S<\\P THK Finesi Iaported He; SPECLU. PRICEd r< - . IX LOT*

J£ A1NSLEY vt Ceiebrated Brands of SCOTCH WH1SKKY BEN ALDOCHLAN, Ainsley’s OLD Blended Glcniivet GLE ,MON Extr, ' r 6LENLI0N tSPEClALLlQUELR SCOTCH \VH1SKEY. City - Carriatj8 j M'PQ- Cc. Blacksmith Shop 107 KIXG STKEET BEflī, Hiviai Blacksmith Work A.\D Cjrria3J R;piirin] PAINT1NG :A.VD : illI.M>iING In «II iti Bran c !i* -, ; ; !' i Rcck Pnee.'’. Mutual Te!ephone 3S'J Ē& G;vo us a C'.ill fjr , j:j AJ3MiNi57RATio:rs >; x:n:s. TFIE L XDEK3IGNED h,t*. app»iinU.ti A(iministr«! (r of tl ■ i rETELO Kakoi. Ute ol tl dec«uetl. Noticc i» hercbr eiv.-n t the deceastt! to prca«nt th< ir secured bv M.mpaee. or . aathendicatcd atuTwith Uie lf anjr e*ist montb« frr.ni the dat. bereoī foreve.- barred; and ali per?.. . thc said decva5cd are rt .ju -• t ■ :. amediato payment at th- O : K. Kaclia, Corner of ;. >-u n ■ < Street«, L’p-»tairv KAIH PE7EL0 K \K"i Admir.i-trator ol tbc E»īat> Kakoi. (k) deeea.«ed. Ilonoluln, Sept II. ICHAN, DEA!.XJ( L\ Fiijs (|odJ Fine Tailorin5 Fiae Chine-« aud Handkerchitls Noa. 31 to ;33 Nuuanu ?L H tclulu, P.o. Box 253. jyT J. H. TRUSCIILEK, Boot 1 *; 130 F>rt Stnel. Repairiog, neatly Douo. sole and heel wiiu pe<4>, Half so!e aud heel sewmg, Sl au7 MEDEIR( 'S Co. Merchant 4mer?- in, £agliau an<l Seoich īwwih om hauii. « >rk gnamiitt.i. Hotet 8t., nn ler Arlington Uoiel « Hoaolnln. 8. D8C iKi>. l anm.