Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 22 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
tr IXSlANCE,-« fire and mapine THE TNDERSIGNED IS AUTH0RIZED T0 TAKE FIRE asd MaRINE RISKS ON Buildiu<j:rs, Merchandise, KullS’ Cargr 0 es, and Commissions At Current Kates, in the Following Cos. namet,y: ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIVERPOOL. ALLIANOE ASSURANCfi FIRE & MAEINE, LONDON, WILHELMA OF MADGEBT RG GENER\L INSUKANCE CO. SCN INSURANCE COMPANY, SAN FRANCISCO. J. S. WAI .KEK, / for the Hawaiian Iālands. ORDWA¥ k POBTER, Rohinson Dlock, Hotd St., hcturen Fort and Nmianu, Have Just Eiceivtd. jei Late Aimala, tle I # *ipest Sicck of FUR N1TURE Ever lmpOrted to this Country, Comprisiug Handsome Carved Bedroom Sets In Solitl Oak, and ol the LA TESTDESIGNS. \ k ĒSPECIAL ATTENT10N IS CALLED T0 THESE SETS: WICK.EpR WARB, Beautifol Dos : gns o{ Wicker Ware, consisting of SOFAS, CHAIRS. ROCKERS, etc.,you ean get these m auy FINISH you aesire. CHAIRS, Couutless numbers of CHAIRS, in oven- style, including OFFICE and HIGH CHAIRS. tables, Wo bave had a number of ealla for theso Tubles, with CHAIRS to match. We havo now iu stock the most BEftUTIFUL DINING ROOM FURNITURE £VER SEEN HERE. < Sideboardsl-:- and -:- Cliiffoniers I ītdi va Divans covered with PORTIERS are becomiug quite the rage in plaee of LOUNGES -we manufaclure them to order, and have a laige stock of PORTIERS to solect from. BEDDI 3>T <3- - I Gro;.t Assortraent of EN WIRE MATTRESSES —Spring, Hair, Moss. Wool and Straw Mattresses ou hand and made to order. 1 ive GEESK FEATHERS and S1LK FLOSS for Pil!ows. CRIBS, CKADLES, etc. WINDOW SHADES of all colors and siz. s. CORMCE POLES, in wood or brass trimmings. E B jĒ=>.A. 1X31 Mattresses, Loauges aud all Upholstered Furuiture repaired at roasonable rhtes. | CABINET MAKING, iu all its branches, by Compet«nt Workmen. MATTING LA1D anel Iuterior Decorating under the Supervisiou of Mr. GEORGE ORDWAY. Our Gooda ;»ro First Class, aud tur pnces are t;:e lowest Come and bo conviuced —a trial is solicited, Bell ō’2o. telephon*es; Muhmi 045. ORDWAY & PORTER. Robinson BIock, betweeu Fort and Nuuanu
TelkpMoxks: Boll 351 Mutual 417 Residexce: Muiual 410 P. O. Box 117 F. B. THOMAS, CONTRACTŌR and BUILDER Estimates Griv©n on AAl Kinds or i n All Kinds_o( Jobbing In the Building Trade, Attended to. KEEPS FOR 8AjL.Es Bncs, Lime. ©emonl, Itxmi Stoao Pipo end FiUu>gs, 01d k Sev Corrogsted Iroa. Minton tTU«, Qn*rry Ti!es, assortod sizes end eoion; OeUfonie end Monterey Besd, Qrenite Curbing end Bloeks, etc.. etc. !Corner King a Smith Sts. O&oe Hoore, kto »M.. >tt«P 11«