Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 22 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
“THE SUN u ALL.” ■w Mulual Teleplionn 31-i.
Ghoice jiopses -A-“va.ctlori. ' ON i Saturday. - Sept. 29, * 1 ut 12 o’eloek noon, I will sell at Public Auction iu I front ol’ my Saies lioom without i reserve, the following Harses and Mares, > 1 Family bluck horse, 15$ bamls 7 years old, broken to harness and saddle 1 Rice horse “ Traveler,” best mile horse in the Hawaiian Islauds 2 Bay horses broken to saddie aud harness 1 White raare with foal, broken to saddle and harness 1 White horse, broken to saddle and harness 1 Stanford raare “ llth June,” 1 “ “ with foal 1 Boswell “ 3 years old LEWIS J. LEVEY, Auctioneer. Long Branch Establishment This First-Class Bathing R p Sort has been enlarged and is now ouen to the puhlie, It is the be8t plaee on the islands to enjoy a 6ath. and tbere is no hetter nlaoe to !ay ofi. Special aceommodations for - dies. Tramcara p>as9 the door every half hour, and on Saturdays and Sundays every fifteen miuutes. C. J, SHERWOOD, jv24 Proprietor. THE COMIMERGIAL 8ALOON, Harry Klemme, Manager Cor. Nauanu A Beretania sts. Honoiala, H. I. Tbe Only Sporlmg Hoose in Town. |O. P. S. a Speoialitv^ ;LOHENGhIN LAGER |BEER, Al ways on DraoghL 2 GLASSES FOR 25 CENTS. i Be»t o/ Wines, Liquors, and Ci$ars, ALWAYS ON HAND. i«l tf I i ' I Tai Wo Wing Kee Co. M STJUASrC £rnOEBT Daalen io La«3ies’ A G««ta’ Rx>t* aod Shoee auuk tQ order. rasn«r m
< Don’ t Buy Second-hand ;Box Mattre?ses importrd from the Coa?t. loa<i d with vermin and perhap;? infection ' IF YOU WANI AN U F LS J E f\E D J J (\ESS Go to a ivspectable Dealer and get one made new. If the puhlie knew as mueh about the constrnction of BOX Mattresse3 as they ought, lhey wo:ild mt Buy them. They are miserable frands at their best, you cannot tell whai they stuffed with, They are eumbersome, uneiean and unhealthy, and are at least 30 years behind the age, cannot be purchssed 5n a live so ahead plaee in the East. - Buy - R W □'ven Wire Mattress and be«vell abre;ist with the timcs and ask for Bailey’s Honolulu mado, Non-corrosive Solid Comfort Sprii.g Beds, then you wiii not be troub!ed with a bill of repurs few months. Buy a Woven VVire Mattress, A Non-Corrosive Mattress, A Honolulu Made M&tlress, A Goo.l Who’eaome Matti'e3aJ Not a Box Mattre»s. For sale by all reapectable dealers ia tbe city and by W0VEN 1 VIREBAILEY. Holel Street. Honolulu, (next door to Horn’s Steam B.»kery.) aug 14-lm iJOf & 00. Wiije \ Liquoi ( ūealei? 19 Nuuanu Street We would eall your attention to Our Special Brands Longlife * Pure Cream RYE WHtSKEY. Fredericksburg Beer au in casks or bottles flational ipon Wop^ QU£KX SXEE£T, Between Alakea «fe Richard Sta, THE UXDE3SIGXED «r* p«rp*r*d (o naake rdl kindb ot Iron Bnas, Brosxe. Zjne, Tin ud Lom) C*-*fang». A!a* Q«aet*l Rep*ir Sbop for Sta*a ¥n0i*m, UiiK ComMdh. Water Wbee!s. Wind MilK eie. ll»rKina« loi th* Ck*ni*g of Cofffce, Ctftor Oik, Be*na, B*aūa, Piuppie IeuTes 1 F5bmm AadP*p«rStoek Abo Miiiuoe* tor £xtneti*g 8tarob fraa ttw Maaūe. Anow Bool, etc. J3T All Urd«» j«ouH«ay *tUu.Jc l to. WHITE, R1TMAN CO,