Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 22 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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t\\t IMa nin CalnuUr. sEt'T 22, 1SV*4. » »>SIL1 M PORT, |xav*l ym«ziA. u : M S ! (rftcinth, May, £*j(imalt, B. C. j Natcn*vnitx. S ( \llen, Thompson.jS*n Fr»n. l iemann, I,iTerpool. S T Jbot, H'uhnm,Newes(»tle N S W. , i; 1’ Ritbet, Morri»on, S F. 1 inter, Dow, I«UnJ. l’.rr*at, JaooWn, S F. .tj. Msrtin, Hotit;konp. ~ . rt Lewe-n», • ioodtn*n, W» hington «ru. l?rown. Newcastle. N S W. * M irih« D«rid,Cem»is B. C. x < • yTio, San Knineiaaeo. > An 'tr,tlī*. San Francissoo v !. u:aa eianilina NeUan, Fsng's Isl. , ,iui i«.x t i.sxi:ix EXPt;rTrD. W S Phelpii. . .Orar'n Har Dne - 7 ii wai 8ydney Sept 20 : nn... Or*y’H t r Dn« : Orman» Neweanlle Ang. 20 - >, i S F Kali' Ang. 20 • i S S !>< lgic Yokohama.. Ang. 21 j 1) Hrvant SF Ang. 22 's S Mariposa Sydney Aug. 2,1 ! i, N \\ilcox Middlesborongh.Ang25 i - ' Arawa V«ncoover... Ang. 24 - ,Vl:itneda S F Ang. 30 i A S S Wurrimoo Sydney A«g. 30 ' 1 M> S ('hina San F*an. ...Sept. 3 | •lohn Smith Newcaslle..S«pt. 4 I’aul lHenl*erb..Bremen Nov. 1 1 K .uleiiheek Liverpool. ..Nov. 23 l'OKKIO?! V| AIL SEKV1CK. >;,mi ehipa will leave fur »nJ arrve ii S.an Franeiaco and other foreign ; ,, on or nl»ont the foll«wing elalee, the eloae of 1804. I,i A v> HosaLrLr;DrE at Honolulū S»s Fkjascisco. Fm. Sas Pkxsci»oo Vancocvek. I oe Vancocver. > • • uli» Jtrno23 Australia.....)nne 16 M wai June28 Arawa Jnne 23 W :irrimoo Julv 1 Marijx>sa Jnly 5 ■:.i!ia Jnly 21 Anstralia Jnly 14 ii» July 26 Wanimoo.. .Jnly23 Ang. 1 Monowai Ang. 2 A .'ialia Ang. 18 Auatraha Aug. 11 1mi >.i Ang. 23 Arawa Ang. 23 \V amuiiKi.... Sept. 1 Alameila.... Ang. 30 \.: il a Sept. 15 Anstralia Aopt. 8 .. 'vai....Sept. 22 Wanimoo.. .l«ept.23 Oct. 3 Mariposa Lept. 27 : r iiia Oot. 10 Anstrulia Oct. 6 \ ,'neila Oct. 18 Arava Oct. 23 Wnnimoo Nov. 1 Monowai Oct. 25 -uttn.hu ...Nov. 10 Australia Nov. 3 ■-1 ri| -su.,.. Nov. 15 Alameda.... Nov, 29 \,i«a Dec. I Wamiuoo.. .Nor.23 ,\:; * i lia .Dxh'. 8 ,\u»tralia Doo, 2 \ wai Dec. 13 Mariposa Dco. 20 \\ ,i riiuoo Dec. 30 Arawa Deo. 22 AuMralia... .Deo. 31 n. Keqna of lheErapiro Saloon , made a new deal whieh will t i.eh lbo hearts, or at least the ,1 tes of raany u thirsty wanderHe keeps '‘half-and-half’' • u !:iught aud serves a inost de1 iei■ 'us and eool boverage, far ■nj rior to “plain boer. 66 17 tf .1 J. Williame tbe well-known Artistic Photographer is making u '|>i«. ialty of portraits on )Aatcb Ih. U aud Silk Handkerchiefs. t’>'ni]'lcte sots of Lantern slides 1* iures eau be bad at tbe gallery. r they aro sold at a roasonablo ll: :iro bv tho dozen or by the huudrod. * S :t ,-ioap inau a Cocktail 5 cents a 8old only to 6alvationtv£tc., li ’.liel Hall. Bethel Street BREHAM. Bothol 8t. Mutual Tel. 3Uaug 22 CARD OF NOTICE. - uarf A 0o.. will remove to Arlinpi >n Block Hotel Street. where they will be better able to serve a;. i j)lease their Palrons. Will koep on hand all the latest B.x>k Stationory, Periodical8 & • voliies, in all branche6 of Ihe ’ se 14 tf Cl$DlTC0DRTFli$T(5l$inT — OF THE — IX PKOBATE. !-• ihe mauer «f ihe esuie of R<tea MOl- - - 1, »• IUO' n l — v ». U*.« of Honololu, Oahu, dc»«wea. tc*UU'. ‘>ti t iii re*4itw Mtd fiting tbe peliiloo oi ' ■' N \NCY STII.LMAN of nkl Hoeolaln. "XI » Ul.LKAN OI w-"- ► th»t Ro»c Molieuo of eaid Houolulu. ..- - — « iin.-i.tat*: «t Mtd llouolula, on tbe ■ I I vlm*ry, A D. !«H. aad ptayln« tb* ( < * l . «a Kkmp anki i uaia. U. len, t ' ■ ’—" *• ivMf Admiui-trmtlon U> ' Millmaii. I' - rder.!d. th*t on FRIDAT. tbe 2Ut ' f 8KITEMBER. A. D. 18«. be «ikI h« lf , ,’"iati-d for heannae mU lelilioa. tat vounroota ol Uii» Coort. *t Hoaolala. v <••> ■ iinn acd plaee «11 heiaowa • .. ... .i i. .nr >1 ■ ■•' »iH"-»raod ahuw eauee. 11 tbey h ■ > ih:iMob »ii«iuld u«t be gn»nted. Uau-O liooolum. H- L, Aua. «. A-D.1JJU H L— m BY THE OOURT1 F Peieem)», (M.