Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 22 Kepakemapa 1894 — The Opera House. [ARTICLE]
The Opera House.
It īs a pk-.-t.sare lo see thr nrsl advertiseroent of Ihe e >ming per- j I riDsnct- of tlA Daily C >mpany at the Oj era Hoase. lt sbows that tl.e jopu’ar theatrical troup «il maVr ;ilize and that Hoqo-:-jI>j w;11 enj »y anotiivr season of the t !cnt«d art:sts. The tirst perf-rm*uce wiil l>e given ou S»t rday, S»-ptember ihe 29th. aa«l “Tnr j orpbans*‘ has been selectcd '»s the first pUy. Box IUn wiil beopened on Mondav the 24:b at the officr« of L. J. ; Levey and pirlies desiiing gc*d seats sbould appl\ al onee. Season tick. t« ean :»lso be obt iined. TH£ MONOWAI. Ti- li. M. S. S. Monowai, M. C »rey master. arrived lbis morni g from Syduey,via AuckUnd j and Api i. She Ieft lj\’dney on th,- .‘>«1 iust , called at Anckland on the Stb, aud Apia A the 14th. Strong Ltad winds heavv sea «e: e met after leaviag Sydney, i and continued until nearlng Apia, from thene? Iight tra les-md fiae weuther to arr.val. i iie Mouowai h \s 1 cabia passenfor Honolalu, aml 28 for Sun Fr i. c;seo bo.siii 39 iu steerage. |