Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 4, 22 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
A Complete Hunting Outfit. Oue lri*h Setter bitch of the b«tt bl«>txl in Aoierica; reg etered in the A. K. S. B. %nd |»ortlj broken, One Poioter bitch bj the eelebr*t«d OI«ubeigh that ccet $1000 io Engi«ud. Oae Pup tiv<? weoks o!d f«ther «nd thoroDghbreede. Oo« Bcckboard bailiespe«M*llv for hontiog porposee. One 12 g*uge L. C. Sm th gao good «s oear and in fine order. Tbeabove ootfit wili be sold eheap Ktu)oire of W. H. CUNNINGHAM t Anchor Saloon. sepl9 tf CITY DRAYAGK CO. Slmd: Queen and Fort Stroet». White and Black 8and. l>nying i)one at Keaaonahie &ate&.