Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 3, 21 Kepakemapa 1894 — The Police Court. [ARTICLE]
The Police Court.
I C«. sitler.ib!e time was spent thi> mornii g ■-n P«’rtug'!ei?e g->at case *liicb trial be ore Jndgc Peny. It was »ll aboat a miserable goat wh'eh noood\ owned, nobody kil!ed • uil n bolj s»w. Phe Portaguese bov vrho didn t own. kilT7»r m * Uie g »at w a fiaed foi trespassing oa auother g s !ands. Tbe rast of the day j pied by tbe eas- of perjnr>' preferrcd :>g-»iust J«>e Fern by . Aehi. This is the sec-ind act of .i bed-«j «i!t draina whieh probab- • ly will fi id its t»-rrainatjon in the div«rco Court. Mr Aehi assisted by J- Poepoe does the prosecati->D act while Mr Paul Neamann npj»ears for the defendant. A boose to W. A. *>n Qneen 8treet was burned to Ihe gro>jAl yesterday ofternoon. The -£igin of the fire is nnknown. Sh;»ft sj>rii gs is a great impm ven ent, im br k« > b»canse the sbip tite nen. I di>«gr *able nttl ing Tlu*v e n be had to < rder ut the Hawaiiun Carr age Manu facturing Coinpany Soine fiue phottgr»phs of the G N Wileoi wncked on M»lok;ti are for sale at the Hawaiian News Corapauy The pictures wkieh were taken by an officer of the Iwalani shows tbat tlie wrecked vessel w;is n>*nrly eraerged in tbe water