Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 3, 21 September 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
No »ign «f tbe Monowai. flie Kman will arrire to uor- ' row. T.ie W. G. Htll left tbi» roor ning
11 Tbe srlvation army is still at ! work. I It Uker 15 offioers to ran the Schutzeo CI«b. The Criterion aalonn b ts obang eel ownersbip Tbe Jumes Makee and Hale aKala arrived this inorniug J Downey has been eng.<ged as sogar boiler by the Reciprocitv plantation on Maui ■ ■ There are two Schuetzen clnbs in the fiald and both are btisy writing “resnlntions” Mrs. Thirds aill lecture tb s evening on Madaiue Bl: v«tskv and the adept«. If the Monowai appears this evening the haud will play at the hotel. — Mra. M. B. Lothrop, the vulued assistant of Dr. Brodie. will leave in the Monowai. An engine is daily pomping water into the mains at Thomas i Sqnare for the benefit of j.*eop'e i living on tho sloi>e of Punchb »wl. The Healani boat clnb will | erect a boat houae nenr the Myrtle club premises, when they get safficient fnuds. Featherstone, the esoaped eon- j vict has not be captured yet. A ; reward of $100 has been offered by the Marshal. The centra1 committee of the i Americau Union Party will raeet to-morrow ovening at the hall of the leftgue. There wiil be a temperance show at the Y. M. C. A, hall tomorrow evenAig. Every body is invited. There will be some startling developments shortly in eonueelion with a recent divorce suit. There will be a basebnll game at Koolau to-morrow between the ”r<'>yalist” teatu and a Koolan nine. I t Mr. Van Valkenberg and Miss Mamie Paty were made one this morning. The young eouple left t in the Malulani for Uieii future home. f Several heavy showers fell Iast uight While it rained at Waikiki, Punahou and in town. King Street from Pawaa to Alakea Street did not receive a drop.
Mr. Neamanu and family, Mrs. llastings Mrs. Dr Herbert, Consul Focke and Mr. Peterson are stil! enjoyiug tbe fine ciimate and good treatment of wbich Sans Souci eau boast. Mr. Hartwell leaves iu the Monowai for s short trip to Califomia. The reported illness of Mrs. Hartwell who is visiting at San Mateo is the canse of the Judge’s dep:irtare The Mille Morris was despatched yesterday by Mr. F. \Vundmberg to Hke possession of the wrecked German bark off Molokai. Tbe ayndicate whieh bought tbe wreck today may arrive a day behind tbe fa>r. Mr. W. M. Cuuningham ha* inetitoied civil proceedings 9gain?1 Messra. W. Giffard, Mclnerny, C, L. Brown, S. G. Wilder. E, Spa!ding and Henry Davis, of whon: bc claims #20.000 d*ra»ges foi libel- The auit ia cauaed by i proteet of tbe defeud«nts againei the iwuanee of a shoot : ng iieeu» to Mr. Cunniogbsin.