Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 3, 21 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
LADltS’ /eOLUMN. i | • W I uke my walk? 1 abros4 how cnar.v poor I Dr. Wat*« *** airta« ot miny hy: ts. but the le«rned arul | revere«i versifier vras never 5a trucr tnae ihan whon he wr.>te tbe ’in - rr\5 qook- He sa»r th* elaee he i’īenhek, juit a? they are sc-en now. and < i tbe canses wbiob in tbo?e d-»y3 creat«1 poor po - t >, o; era in exactlj the aie niiO or to»i»y the greates: cai;>’ •' nodoobteJty 1|N|JUD;CS0<JS Boyirtti, : an*l w »t-* f Oioney in i)ttrsuit u. ,i i ihe " ot trao.e, neglect of »t portanHies t nol tal:’ng a«.lTa!#C i ’■ a Qiiick S\LES \$0 Sm\ll Rp v ofiJ SV steni. G • l 5o:d on th t bas!s mean a posiUve savinR to you. Tbere i= no d< nyi g this, and no one ev r was in *le poL*r b\ j eoonmy. We har*;lly kn»w wheu t» eommeneo wnen it get» to menliomn^ 1 gOOCt. Our st >clv i' 5*-> full of new gOOd» Oar While l inen and W hite and CoIored Cotton Dnck? are well \vorth menti u. We also have some lovely patterns *»f Cotton Crep' » *n Morning and Even!ng Shade- These Crepes are new g *ods ard will pleaee you. Also a fu!l line of Co/Ef\ifiq. We want yon tn look at U’.em, SlLk pOF^J!EF\ES. C MlLLE pOf\7IEF^ES. I and as for _ pjqs. we have a)m»st any kind you want. Mext week tV OOL E N GOODO w 111 l’.eard from. B. F. EHLERS & C0. B. KERR‘S ANN0UNC EW!ENT! 'I 1 H.WE JUSr BECEIVED A LABGE ASS0RTME5T OF . FIXE Sl iTiNGS, ELEGANT PATTEKNS t •1 i ANl) LATEST sTVLES. I ■ i zcv>ds will !>*.• ~>!*i in *uy Qaantity froiii a \ ‘ 100 Y \bps Dovrx to EXorou to Makk a Sis»r.E Sun ! >1 M — VSD AT—t HAfiD TIME PBI0ESi -I 1 } I„. B. KllKU. - - UtPORTEK, Qa»ea Strcet. Sepc>-Sm — JJH£K S^TH\D. eOKNKU or Nuu-u’. a- -f Beretaaia3treet*. | 561 r~ Both 561 QOOD, RELIABLE anu jyz <: C!VIL DR1VEKS. 1 I