Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 3, 21 Kepakemapa 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.
SrpUmber 17, ISC L 1. Ii we remember corro*'tly the "C ) was ihe first of the • Wnitc SquidrOB ' visit Ho*>lala. Her arrival on her secon i cyīise is still in the minds of j-e< ;>le who were here on J«naary '29, 1891. When with flag- at hali mast and yards cock-baiit sab or.tered port with the botly of King Kulakana, the kin l attontions shown by the offioers i<> the King durlng the voyngo ! to :iie Unitel States and tht - - i inost sacred manner in whieh tl> ■ bodv «as gnarded wh le be i..borne to the I=iancls, eud aved tbc “Charleston’ to the pe ;’e jof Hawaii. As mueh as it was ia ’ the j»owor of the j>eople, tLeir rociation w.ss ahowa to tho i<; icors doring their stay ®nd !\ sa1letl lhey left graven on ;,’cts of love and tncmory, ev- ! idences of their Alolui {>r Hawa i. Few, if any, of the offieers who wero here then are on the fvc-3.'.-l now; sorae bave reached ; tL> age of retiroment and others ’ • ave gone to other vessels bt>t the Charlo-iton is still greon in the heart of the Hawaiians. Have yon ever used a Pansy ISt >ve> We have iheen selliug i lena for four or five years aud to day they wear the “YelIow Co.il’’ in the empire of stoves. They are recoguined by every one, even dealers in other stoves, as a superior article aud one whieh they do not care to run up agaiust. Of course stoves may bo bougbt from people who are uot dealers. W e have people ninnin" here every day or two £or firo bricks and parts belongine to stoves tliev havo bought U *• from oihor parties, aiul wheu tbey find they cauaot get them thcv (liie.uil theu' and bny a “Pansy." Yo i sce tuere ‘is a disadvantage in bnying dear things at low pnces. Come to n> and get a Pansy at $lo 00 and you get full value for yonr mo,ney. You don't get a 87Ō.00 rango for fifteen dotfars mind you, but you get a first class stovo that is worth Tbirty dollar*s to any oue 0ur Ready Mited Paints are s !ite>l to the wants of ueople who have a little painting they want to do thoraselves. The advantage in lvnring a pvepared paint is that you have tho benelit of the besf mixers in the United States wiHionk having to pay for it. Tho paint is ready for use direct 1 .y you take tho toj> oii tbe ean aud if you don’t fiud it eheap cr acd better tban uny you em mix yourself we are mi«taken in our experienco - In California tlie painters are using the prepared article in ]>reference to baying lead aud oils beciase they find it to their advantage to do so \V e beliovo it is only a q-iestion cf timo wlien the painters here will fall into lino.
Haagiug lamps are in as great demaiiil now as ever. Pepplo seem to want something for lightinz purposes that will give as good light ns the sun —they fi-;d it in tbe lamps we are giving awav. Our chesp stand lamps are an eicellent thing for a servants room and will find a ready salo iu the lsland stores. We ean any demand. for a single lamporfora thousand. There*s Iots of Hawaiiana whose Kuleanas need feucing aud we have the wire w;th whieh to do it We harea!so the taaterial for bnilding a fence that will last until Iong after the millenium. Instead of paying a high pric? for posts, or evea getting them for the cntUng. your ienee will cost yon less m ney if you buy stoel sUre and washers and m.'ik*,' a Jones Loeieū feneo. We luve everytbing yoa want in the bardwaro and bouso fornishing goods 1ne yoa wish. And vre coort investigation *; to their quality and prices. T«s B8f8iia H8rifire a. aForl bu-oei