Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 3, 21 Kepakemapa 1894 — The Wreck Sold. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Wreck Sold.

J F Morgan sold the G N* Wil cox t<xlay at puhlie aueli.'U {< r the be::ēht of thc nn'lerwrib rs The wrecked rhip was soid as she līea :ncludiag the cargo A syndi cate head d by Mr 3 Galloway bougnt her for $1.175 A wreck ing expodition will ioiraediately he d:spatched aml it is genera!Iy bcl:ered that gyndicnte will make a good thing of their bargain. Bcsides tbe coetly lading the ship h3« lots cf Iron, sii;s and tackle miy l>e sav--d Mr J Gallowsy will hav-? charge of the expedit on The AdrcJtifeer calls Admirat : \Vnlker our unbonght unsalaned and faithful Ambassador t> Wa sfaington If that is so why <lon*t the eouueil» shut down on Thurs tor-’s s;ilarv and let the "un b3ugbt ’ Admiral ran the legat:ou shop Even the great statesman Hastings eau Le dis»pnscd wdh anLthe treasury be the gainer The prosecuting authorities aro ; too anxious to “make cases Tho tritiing cases Le?rd m the Distnct Court sbou!d be tliminat< 1 al together No judge shou!d be forced to listcn tothe most trsv.al mattets in whieh warrants orgbt to have been r< fnsctl and whieh the qnarrelling neighbors should settle among thcraselT0s Don’t wasts warranis i jj amwmmm i——■ ■■■ m \ r i • —