Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 3, 21 September 1894 — Selfish Motives. [ARTICLE]

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Selfish Motives.

The Adv(rii*r makes a big sh >n n" of tbc *iifferent classc9 of nen who it e’.niio» fnvor thc annexation f Hawaii tolhc l n t?d Stat< s. First and foremost stands th(,- • :Tic* rs of the Vnocrican mry. T at tu<y ncarly unanimoos’.y ad» e te an ex t:on i* an und apmahie fict b ;t that ihe do it fr>tn p rely sr!fhh <notiv<s is equa!!y I true. A r.a val «(aKoa in Ha«aii wou!d u.ean an incre3re of ships and in ii and it would mean promotion : i to the {iio~e.it e >rp' of officers. It i- not iik*iy or even |K>esible that j the l*nit i State= will be ertan- : glcd in any «ar f>r many a year j.. eoioe (. n-oqnei;tly the chances for a>Jvar.ceme t ls very elim and y whol!y df{»eii<lent on the nat»iral A)i.i;e (f circumst ineea. The j>\ eenl officeis «iil rcach their eotivo r>gc,ī when their services j e ie and they will drop out as C’ m'iian iers. Ci{»tainsor I.i<-uten- ; ar.ts hecat.se tho nnaiber oftho»se j grad(-R is limited. Fortification nt Peiil lb<rb >r wou!d l>e a wel- j e i. oj>;)ortanity for the naval ine;. und \v>)i;ld if reali/cd save j iii.i! v from ollieial decapitation. * . l*rom n milffary point of view !’carl Harborisabsolutely uselcss ! f»rt!o United St»t<5. lf tbey own. d it and a war shou!d ensue : they would s on karn that Pearl II rb.»r woukl prove itself a point of;.ttack f r any cnemy rather tii:in a strongho’d. īt would be tho Acb5’les heel cf the great v ; >bl:c llie of whieh 1 li.iu it ocm{ia< t torritory aud | eol l e > -t. Th; t Admiral Walker fti.d the othcr naval jingncs favor ;. 11 1;<• x J*on or at least pORSC9si»»n f I’earl Harbor i» easily under- i st >d. The do so for selfish motive- in tho int »r<.st of the navy individually; they don’t take tbe > attitude m» coodand iionest citizens ('i Uie l*nite>l Stat s. A VILE SYSTEM — As au examp!e <>f t!io houesty t wanls t!:c t:npayers cxbibited j bv nr immacnlate government we beg our readers t > notice thc following transactL»n o( the secrctnry <>f the e i;ncils. A short i wh lo ago Mr. Dole called the atlonl;on of tbe c<>uucils to the f;u'{ that tlie wcekly statements of the M nister of I'inanoe wero not pi.l»l;shed. The secretary of the conncils was instruct«d to eall f r bids and make the necessary arvangcraents for lbe desircd pnblienhon. At thc meeting yesterduy it w.,s leumeel that instead of . calling for bids tbe soretarv had , {>rsvate’.y otlercd the job to tbe 0 -ttc company and the Star. aud receivcd a hid from the1attor ol v .ce. Mr. Cocil Brown exjiresscd a» his opinion tbat nll papers -*ho .ld be givcn a ehanee to bid 1 r tho jol> and there tfce mattcr eud.d. Wo don’t gve a for the job : oi t ,sre who gets it but «e ccrt.«in’y conderan a system whieh mnke» tho treasury a miiching eow for tbo protegee9 of thc gov- - crnmcnt. lf the St*r ean pub« lish tbc nuaneial statement ( cheap<.T than the Bullctin, well ar. J good, lct it do so. if tbc Kuokoa ean do il che3j-K?r than the Uolomua by all mcans «ward it the job. bnt ia the iaterest o( puhlie honesty, for the sake of th.e taxpayers let all work for the governraeuibe doao in ascheap a manucr as possible. Tue trC9«ury is nearly empty The govcrnment ia unable tj pay its legitimato biils of tbre« or (>ur months standing Why then innngurato or tolcrate a syatem j whieh is anf«ir to the taxpayers and fraught with immcasur»ble <vils Lot I)r Bodgcrs be ordered to c«ll for bida for all work to be done for the eouneila in a lawfui and jaet manuer and tbe govern mcnt will fiud itself abte to save ‘ manv a m rch needcd dollar ¥ ... ■