Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 3, 21 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Extra ORD!NA$Y Good HEWS i... fok HOUSEWiVES and VATR>U0H'ALLYIHOUHEO MEN. S. Kubey & Co.. No41S Nuaanu street. opj>osite Central Meat Msrket Secoml Hand Furniture Dealers, have imported an enormous amount of FURNITURE ! From the Coast Thev are prepared lo 9ELL the Best Articles at 0 LOWEST PRICES Money ia tight, and none of us have more than we know what to do with. KUBEY & C0. realize this, and are det'reasink: profits lo suit the times If you know Ihe value of monev deal with 9. KUBEY <k CO, for in their store, One DoIlar g.HJ3 further t>w.ird buying FURNITURE than three at any other plaee in the town On Saturday evenings, open to 9 P.M. Don’t forget the address S. KUBEY * C0., Oppo. Central M. Market P.S. Persons having Furaiture ■ t) aeli, will do well by calling on us. selO tf Ghoice fioi ī ses ■A.ia.ellon. ON Saturday. - Sept. 23, at 12 o'eloek noon, I will sell at Pablic Auelion in front ol' my Saies Koom withoot rcserve, the foll« wing Harses and Mares, 1 Fiiia»ly b!i:<'k l»orse t 154 hand« 7 years o!d, broken to harness and saddle 1 Race horse ‘* Traveler,” best | mile bnrse in tbe Hawaiian lslauds 2 Bay borses broken to «add!e and harness 1 Wh«te mare with fool, broken to saddie and harness 1 Wb»te hor>e, broken to saddle and haruess 1 8t«nfcrd raare “ Ilth June,’’ 1 *• “ witb foal 1 Bo>well “ 3 ye«rs old LEWIS J. LEVEY, Auctioneer. Kwong Sin2: Loy Merchant Tallor, Dry Goods, Myi and Ladiess Shoe». No. Ki&g Stmt, joly Hoione. SAM TEE No. 5-32 Kiog Street. Dealer in Cjlifornia aud Hawaiian Fraits aml Vegat»bles. Guava Jelly, Tea and Gr>aad Cotfeo, Ci|;ars etc &»