Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 3, 21 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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8RUQE CS.RTWRiCHT Busines» of a Fi,sac;ary Katnrt Tr'i.sac!r<1. ( Prr>rapt att«udoQ £i«n tr» the t of FV:t »te« G t .r’.Uus’asju, Trnsls. cl.\, e‘x., etc. Ojhy*. : C-\ iwri>jl>t BuHcii ng, — t5frr>..‘ .1 Str«<t. Honolnln H. MAY & Co., I Tea Dealers, Goffee J Roasters A N P Provisiou Merchants • * Si n ■ - r««ttlr l’rtin:!ies, aaJ Slji|>.s«pp!ii! 1 with choicost Knroj>cnn .1 mr.ricanGrocrrie» Ciliforriri Proiiuoe l>y Everv Stea>ncr. -\rercUaiit. I^Kohan^e Coruer Kii.i; aaa Nnnaaa Strcets. S. I. S IA\V....Proprietor. The Fi>if.'t se!ertiou of LIQUORS an.l UUL.U, sold auywhere in the towa. First-dass atteudaace. Call and judge foryoarse!{. no 113—tf. ims & co.. V»holesa!e s<i(J Retaii Gro ASD PROVlStON DEALERS. FRESR CAUFORNIA 8ALM0N ON ICE I!y Every 8aa Francisco Steamtr. Salt Salmon ix Baruels a Specialtt, iiī Fort Sl. , Honolulu. TeL 240, p •). P' r 2Q7 . GALSFOriNIA Wine Conipany 407 Fv>KT STREET, Mclnernv Block, , JOBBERS OF WINE8, and SPIRITS KENGLUN. PH0T06RAPHER, Naaann and Pauaai Strvcts. Cabiuets ?3.">0 Per Dozen, “ 2.00 Per 1-2 Dozen, Sxl0 $ō,ō0 Per Do*eu. “ 3 >0 Per 1-3 Dczeu. Prr Ooo»ls an<J Chinese Silks. jpa plational ĪPon Worl^ QU£KS Stueet, Betwoen Alakea & Kiehanl Sts. THE CNDEKSIGXED »-e pr«{»red lo m&ke nll kinds ol 1 j Iron Bn#, Broa*e. Zinc, Tm and Le«d Cubog«. AL» { Gecer»! Rcpeūr Shop for St«ua Eagia««. UieeMuk, Con» Milla, W*ier Wheei*. Wiad iDI2s, «e. kUehine* lor the Cleacing of Coffec, CW:or (Xls, Be*aa, lUmM, St5sl, ! PieMppU L©ave* 4 oil&ī F»trou» Pia«U. Axul P«pa Stock Al»o Mschiue-i for Zs:racting Storch fram the M»uioc, Amw Eoot, etc. gy All Orda» projnplly attesdod to. WHITE, RITMAN CO. ■m