Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 3, 21 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

MACFARL\\E A CO. I, aJr.n in Wines an l SpiriU KnahuaiAnn ilonoluln. H. E. McINTYPwE & BRO.. G »ci:p.y Fekd Stop.e k Rakert. Corner of Nin-; an<l Fort Sk.. Honolnln J. PHILLIPH, FKACT1CAL FLUMCER, (iAS.FITTER .X)PFEi: SMrTH. House and Ship Job Woik Protnptlv Executed. No. 71 King Street. ilonolnl i 1)k. MeLENNAN, Fort Street, above MuIiimI Teippbone 6S2. f-*r olllee; 287 lbr residenc . jy28 KD. C ROW R. Hon<e Sign and Oinamenlal Painlee. M irinf:.ct':re of L ; (juid S itm*r. 620 King Street. augl LEWIS J. LEVEy. Real Estate and fteiier.il Auctioneer. Uora«i „Fort «tk1 yut*cn Street.> Honoluīn Porsonal Htteuti>»u given to Snbv of Fnrnilnre, Benl Estnto. Stock !iu<l Gener • Merchandise. MniiHl l eionhone 23S FAT BOY.” BAY H0RSElā S LOON ! P. McINERNT, FROPRn-roR, Fine Liquors. Wines anei Beer. ’ Corxer I5etuel and Hotel Sts. Konolulu Carriage Manufactory \V. W. WKIGHT, PnonuEīOH, (S*ocessor to*R. West). pARRIAGE BLTLDI\G and REPAIRIXG. All Onlcr8 l'rom tho Other Islauds in the C»rriage Building, Trimmin» and PiUnting Line will Meet with Prompt Attenlion. Blacksmitbiru; in AU Its V»rions Branehcs Done. P. O. Box 3dl. Nos. and 130 Fort Strect. jyI9 Iv v ' . W. S. LUCE | Wine and Snirit Merchant C<impbell Firt'proof BIock, MERCHANTST. HONOLIM.U. __n Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTKALIA,” Another Invoice of the World Renowned FREOERICKSBURG ! UG£R BEER On draaght and by the Also. as a Speoialty, Small Fresh Califorhia | 0YSTERS, ! FOH COCKTAlLS mayl Sms | CITY CARRIAGE C0. Corner KING and BETHEL St. CAEEIACtES, AT ALL UOL’RS, Both Telephones No. 113. J. S. ASDRADE, M»nager june 15-lf. * —"— XOTll’fr~ ALL peowouo aie w»raed do( io jwjtnū their animala to oa the Ucds 0 ; K*new« *r.d K»moaiili, htlocgic t ' the untWr«icned noe pUat«ni. AU oiimU» louud on btr*ymg on the n<* UnA* wt41 be impouuded or ihoL. LENTĀI WAI SING KEE. Oonolulu, Ang. 28 183*. „»u« 29-lmdiy nHHmH