Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 3, 21 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Fire, I*ife & mJrinc INSURANCE' HARTFOKD Pi'KE IN T SURAN r CE C0.. Assets, $ 7.1C9,S25.4‘ LONDON-LANCASHIRE FIRE INS. C0., Assets. $ 4,317,052.00 THAMES-MERSEV MAKINE INS. CO.. ? Assots, $ 6,124,057.00 NEW YORK LIFE-fNSURANCE CO., Assets, $137,499,198.99 C. O. BERGEK. Geoeral Agent for the Hnwaiian Is’aods, llooolulu

\ )-| t E ( <%Bf^o » IMPORTERS AND DEALEliS IN . Grroceries, Prov isions AM) l"eed, c EAST CORNER FORT & K1NG;STS. New Goods Rec’d Ry every Packet from tbe Eastern States and Europe. Fresh California Pro<luce by every steamer. All onlers faithfullv attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of the city FREE 0F CHAFiGE. Lsland Orders SoIicited. Safc sGction Guarautecd, Post Ollieo Bos No. 145,'Pelephone No. 92. P 0. Box 480. Tki.eph<>: k 245. The Cheapest Plaee on the Islands to Biiy NewandSecond Hand Furniture eIS xVr THE CORNEH OF King & Nuuanu Sts. I X L Honolulu n. i. jrJ0

S. NISHIMJR5, Commission Merc*hant, i 19 Nnaauu Slrwet, Uouolnln. IMPOHTERS and DCALERS in JAPAN TEA DRY CiOODS, SILKS and PROVI3lCNS. c;«od« bjr Eifrj «nmfr. Mutnal Telphone. 317. sept 6--lf. V SMOKERS, ATTENTION. Holliakn & Co;have recejved a turlber supply of the celebr*ted G. B. P. pipee direct from the factory as arell as a new «tock of aiuber and meerschatnn nsar and c:«»relte ho*lor». Aleo wai matchee. * RIN<\L P MUTCAL TELE. 512. NIEPER S Baggage Express. Offlcv, 229 Fert St,. Hoaoinla. IL L ; 6aggage and Fnm:tare Carefully Har.dled »nd Delivcred at Sbort Xotioe to All Parts of the Citr. SUnd oo Cor. of Fort & Qo®en SU. ĪJ® 1» f utar<* aH BILLS ka ttB<Uruk:ng wiH ■b* p«y»bk oa pwaemaōo*. We a n oom- ? lo u> :hi* c i l L ia*bīhtT to eolkct tb« aaajority .d oar T 'n<ln**btm> bīlls aftttT tUM*»ia «LTV tfW. WHUAMS BBOS., EP. A. WlLUUiiL «u*jl ✓

PANĪHEON 8ALOON, 4 FOPT AND HOTEL STS. Heaaniiarters Enterpme Brewiiii Co. THE Largpst Consignnie!it of Beer that ever amved here, uot on Draught jyH J. DODD, Prop'r \ . SIXG YIF>.\ hi:i; TlXSMiTH axd DKALER IN TIX\VARE. Pi{>ing Laid an<{ R<'pa»rcd. Al! Orders Promptiy Attended to Chargcs Vtry Modewte. C»1I am! See U*. No. 222 Maunakea St,. Honolula. Īy20 Im 290 Ring Up 290 TJnited Carriage .Company, M. REIS I J.C.QUINN