Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 3, 21 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Don’ x Buy Second-hand Box Maitresses iiup'«rt d from the Coast, !otd d with vennin and perhaps infvct on IF VOU \VANT AN Uf» FfQ LS J E F\E D [VI J F\E S S Go to a resj>ect »ble Dealer and get one made new. If the puhiie knew as mueh about the construction of BOX Mattresses ae tbey ougbt, they would n >t Buy them. They are miaerable frauds at their best, you eanuol tell what they stuthd wAh. Tliey are eumbersome, uneiean and unhealthy, and are at lea?t 80 years behind the age, eannol be purch «sed in a live » nhe.nl p'nep in the East.
- Buy - AWūven WlPE Mattress
and be well ubre:'st with the t:tnes and when bnyiug ask £or Bailey’s Honolulu niade; Non-corr.>sive Solid Corafort Sprir.g Beds, then you will not be trouo!ed with a *bil! of repairs erery few months. Bny a Woven ire M;>ttress, A N*ou-Corrosive Mattress, A Honolulu Made Mattress, »I A Good \Vholesome MattressJ F Not a Box Mattress. For sale by ; ! all respectable dealers in the city and by W0VEN WIRE BAILEY. Holel Street, Honolulu, (nexl door t> Horn’s Steao» Btkery.) aug 14-lra POUND MASTEK'S NOTICEKoti» ia Ut>rebT g>Tea to »U p«*>M ther« u» at U» tk>vernm«nt Ponml Makiku 1 red bo»*. tamn<Wa AF on Wt bmd u> tr)ūt« nn head; I b»y hoime branu«d KO. en riyht *SJ«. one wh>te teg. *ad a white «pot on b«mi; I no br»nd; 1 h»T bnu»Wi HA on te«t himi hip. WB Aot powoa or p«r»ns owning thos* hormt t» wqn«uted tooom» w»dt*ke or brtore 12 o’eioek nooa, &ATIBDAY, ; fiEPT. 28. 13M. Wia. KAAPA. Ponnd Ma»ter. I lUkUn, 8ep*. »> l«H. »ep*- t' lw