Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 20 Kepakemapa 1894 — A TOTAL LOSS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Thc steamers sent to Molokai to ’eneue the O- N. W ilcox returne l 1 »st night and the agents of j tho vessel w-re inf >nn f dt hat tho ; v -sel is a tota! wreck. Accord- l j iug toinvtst;g»tion of disinterested parlie? tl.e vessel folR>wed its u- inl c>uirse and through misfortune was drifted on to the rocks near Lnt o ka Ilio. The captain d : d the best thing that ho oould do and immediatelv 1 “ proceKle«i to Honolulu The j wise meo who kuow notbing about vessels or joni*uey3are ven r num rou- in r gard t > then critieism of tie *affair. The G. N. *\Vi c x 1 >11 >.ved the regular j oc>urse. Tlie God of weather interfered and tiie scc!deut t > the fiuc vessel took plaee. Tho Iwalani arrivod at the I» i;.t of disaster yesterday. The wrecked bark was boarded and it was fou .d tbat she was bēyond all hnpes of recovery. Tbe vessel is full of wator aml all tho oxperts ndmit that there is no hoj»o for salvation The G. N. Wilcox iusured for £00.000 uud thc> e rgo whieh consist of eoal and general uArcbandise is amply insured Tbflk stranding hus furnished ample opj>ortunities to tho daileys for a crowding i of eohimns.