Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 20 September 1894 — The Republic and the Press. [ARTICLE]
The Republic and the Press.
Oo« of the mo?t smikiDg fe«tores in tbe conduct of new.y esUblisbe<l repul>Iic ;s ?l:c attitudc of tbe of!lc:al joarnals towards the opjK>sit n Tre?s. — From titne to time we are told tb.it the ropublican < goTer:.ment r*ally O' gl<t to »ajijires.s thc or"an’s of the opposil<on and we are inforai«d that the excessive cbarity and w. nderfa’. kindnessof lbe miuisters are tbe sole causc» whieh save «ny e-Jitor ‘'on tiie other side’’ frora p::nishment « f tbe most refine<l nalurc. Tbe republic raav be awfu!’y niee; its oflicers may be supernatun»IIy v:stuoJ8 and its Tress mya l«e abovo repr< acb. Tbtre is one thiog they all laek. and th«t ie cousi»toncy. Uow cften. dear render, have we bcen t »*il tb.it on the 17lh of January 18113, theh<cl of asemibarbirons tyrant \v«s tak*>n from the nccks of a nnii >n : •» bolter Haveo’t we !><• >nJ by tlie s-lcreotyp d j»hras--ab>ut liborty, free 1 >in, raauhood •tc. etc., <td And yet tho oAieial organs eoiae out spor adic«IIy aud advises the governnienl to suppr. ss al! oppoistiou by meane ot force.l.et the cditorof uur c.slecraed conten;porary go back ovor some of the fi!es of tho AJver ti#er. Ia;t him noliee the Iangaogo used by the GuZ(tte and the Adver(l*rr d-;ring the d «vs of tho inonarchy aud let him hu ubly niako his tribute to the r >valist governraont whieh tolcrute>l tho insults an>l sedition of the ref >rm j>arty nud whieh provcd itself liberal and advanced in j>rincij>les by al!owing thc fullest liberty of tho Press. Tbo preseut editor of the S(nr at one tirao*o\har.sted tlio Knglish lnnguage at his eommaml in vitnpirnting thc g >vornraeut the uiissionarios geuerally aml Thurston esj»ecially, and whut a howl there would hnve beeu if the anthorities had even suggo«tod to s t!j>j>ress his j aj>or. Mr. Arui?tr >ng. tho cbatnj>ion of the ropublic and tho defender of Amenean j>rinciples not ouly dosiros tho sapj>ie9sion of tho opposItton j> ;j>ors but «ctually snbstantiates his elaini for such aelion by a roference to the j>rocodnro in Kuropoan countries whieh j>riuci j>ally aro vet “sutlering“ nuder monarcbical ra'o. lu reforriug to the allcgod abuse of tho government here, he writes " In no Kuropoan country wouKl it be permitted for a momcnt.” We cannot refraiu fro:u nsking tho learned editor wbat he knows about Euroj>oan journals. lle is uuablc to road auv paper not pablishod in the English lsnguage and he bas ncrer rosided sofficiently long in any European conntiy to becomo f;i!niliaror evcn acquainted with tho Press. In tbe hotels wbero he sj>orted bimself«t tbe Hawai an gcveinmcnt s exj>ense th > s ci.distic and anarchistic papers wero not to be found evon if thoy e\is‘ed in the yeai when he tnado tho tour of the world. 1C he eouhl road French or t>orraan oreven llalian and 8panish aud had acooss to oopics of tbe blood- and-thundor Press he wonKln't mako an ass of himaoli by writiug abont rostrictions of whieh do Out exist in £urope The most violent Unguago is used by tbe radieal papors of every £uropcau country cven iucluding Hus$ia and tbe Amenoan p«pcrs aro | simply not *‘in it” in tbeir etforts | of rujuriug tbeir uppononU wben eompaml «vith thi orgaus of the opjK»iiion iu Earoj>e. The does not deriate fr?m its f rmor course in sUting tbat tho oppoailion does not burt the ropublic iuHawaii. j Wby tben does it givo ont so fre- I queutly its pitfal whiuo» aud i snarls at our paperf Tbc trutb ‘
;* tb>*t «»ir opj>csiti«*n bas boen «leeple (elt Tb*t in spite of nr« »*nd ljoycotting we )»avc heen tbk to hold our own , ».d frnv.r*ted the aUempU of : g -venim. nt to bec >me popa!ar «ii«J settled. The Attorcey G i;era! bas staU'd in tbe eoaneiU tbat lbe HoLOKI'a has done .otohi harra to the repabiie. We hope so. Bat we have done no h .nu to tbc conntry. Tn* on vour sedition laws «t onee gentlemca of the govemment. ft will n>t ch«nge the opio’on whieh tbe people now entertain of you for tbe better. The secret of tbe Advetii«er editoral is, tboogb. tbat we have eomm tted s». iition ag;»inat fditor Arm>-tron£r — bnt he is not yet ident fied wiih tbe goTernment. -