Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 20 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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8rt'J0E 3ASTWRICHT rfu«aess of a Fi<ioci*rr y«nnc Tr->us.'u , ><}. i’rou>pt »!tent- >t» giren to tLe nt*aacraK-nt •>f ifces. *j tiu\iLu»hi{M. Trosts. eto., etc., etc. Oihe*’*, : ('i\ iurright Buiiiiin>j, !*trect. Ilonoloin H. MAY & Co., I Tea Dealers, Coffee | Roasters AN i > Provision Merchants Fort Sire» t. - Honolulu Families, Plant;itions itn 1 S!iips aupplie.l tvitb clioī?est Fhiroj)can <fc AmericanGroct ries C»1ifornia Prn»luce bv Every St{samor. Morcliant b]xchanoe Corner King aua Nauauu Streets. S. I. 8:1 AW’ Proprictor. The Pinest se!eetion of LIQUOUS :iu<l UEIill. solil anywhere iu the town. i Firs»t-cla.<s attendance. Call aml judge ; for yourseif. no 113—tf. LEWI3 C0. ” Whoiesaie snd Heīaā Gro AND ITtOVISlON DEAEERS. FRESR CAilFURNU 8ALM0N ONICE Iiy Every 8 iu Francisco S earcer Salt Salmon in’ Baiuiels A Sl’ECIALTr. iii Forl S(., īīono/ulu. Tcī. 240, P (1. /7o r 247. CALiFOr.NIA Wine Company 407 F0RT STREET, Mcluernv Block. JOHBK!iS OF WINE8, and S P L IIĪTS KENOLUN, PH0T0GRAPHER, Nuuanu aud Pauahi Slrtets. Cdbineks, $3.50 Per l)ozeu. “ 2.00 Per 12 Dozen, Sxl0 $'»,'»0 Per D-zeu. “ 3,50 Por 1-2 Dozeu. D. y Oc?ck1s aiul Chin0s<‘ Silks. Jr-» jiational ’lnon Won^ QC£LN Street, Betweeu Alakea Jc Richard StSj THE UNDBKSIONSD are to make eil kiadj» ot 1 Pr»*s r>ronzc, Zinc. Tin *nd Lead Cubn3?. Also enl £epair Sbop fojr Ste»m £ngines, Kiee ililk, Corn MiU», Water WW!*, Wind MiHa, etc. hinee tor tl»e GeaninīJ ot Coffee, pa*tor Oila, B«um, Kanii*, SisM, Mpple Lmtm i qUkt Filmnw Pi»ata, Aud F«per Stock h» kUehineā for Extncti»g Surch hom M«>>>■> Arrv* Koot, etc. y AIl Orden» prooapdy «lUmdc-J to. WHITE, R1TMAH CO.