Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 20 Kepakemapa 1894 — HAWAII'S "BLUE" LAWS [ARTICLE]
/ CONSTITLIION' and LA\VS Framo(l bv tlio .Missionarios. — LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISJjANDS. 0 * Be it also known, That if anvpor*on or f.ersons sha!l maliciousIy stab and wound any person, and ileatb dnot ensue therefrom, the said offender or offenders, if conv.’ctod, shall rcceive one hundred lashes on his or their back, and pay a line of fifty d >Ilars—or ujk)u non payraent shall !>o ma • prisoned for two months. .The law now in Lrco rcsj eoting tr.urd* r, wi!l becjrricd inl> excuti>n upon all offe:uhrs. Gtven under my hand, at Honolula, this twelfth diy of Noveujber, 1833. KAUIKEAOULL / CHAPTER XLII1. LAW RESPECTING TFIE l’AY OF POLK'E 0FKICERS FOR SEIZ1NG FOREIGNERS. At t!ie present tiiue manyof the polioe olncer3 are blamed and spoken evil of; and it is said thatthey enticepeople to violato the law and then seize thera to obtain their money, and somo aro seize<l unguilty. and couse<juently maeh evil results. In coas<*quence of th s e mduct, or rather t‘ies<3 e iarges, in a eouneil of tl.o Xob!es a'id of the Representatlve3, the foliowing law was en?icted; 1. If any jx>!ice oflicer seizi a foreigner for a vio!ation of law and tliat fortigner be fined, no part of the fino shall go t) tho poliee officer. He shall be paid in another way. Nor sball any portion ef the fine go to tbe jadge, but to the Ooverument only, according as the Uw declaros. 2. Poliee officers shali be paid for seizing f<»reigners f<llows; whon one is se'Z.‘d, the Goveniment ahall taka tha name of tho ufficor who se z d hiin. a;.d at tha end of the year the G->vernar stiall s>e what officer has done tho most bus:ness ar,d ilone it best, i>n<l he shall have the ra >st pov, and t!ie offic r who h s dme Iess b:isine-<s or iiot dono it *o well shall h >ve less p».y. Evry offi:or shill be j>.i l according t > tne a nuiinl of b :8 uets <1. ne by him, and tbe corr. ctness wth whieh he d >ts it. It sbail be proper to advance part pay to offi-ers befov the clos; of Ihe year, f>r the relief of t ! .ic:r necess t.es. Bak at ihe etd ->f Ihe year full payin. nt shill be made to tbt excelleuco of thier candoct. 3. This law doos uot »pply to deserters who are laken, nor does it apply t)tho who are laken f>r ren3ining on shore at n ght after tbe hour sj>ecified. Tue officers shill have their pay for these out of the money pai<l for them. When tb s Uw is printed aud put inlo tbe hands of lbe poliee ufficers, it shali thon t>ke effoct at all plaeoa in this archipelago. All khe words >f this Uw have heen approved by the Noblos aud Rei<reseutatives, wo have therefore hereunto set our names on this thirty-firstd>y of Mtj, 5n theyearofour Lord, lS41,at Lahaina, M«a<. (Signed,) KAMEHAMEHA IIl KEKAULUOHI. in the moulh ol April in the yeur one tboasiud eight hundred and furty tw> the Houae of Xobles Cnd House of Re; resentatives, 8SsembleJ in accordance with iLe rcquis‘;tion of Ihe Cunstitoti >a, the phee ol meeting w .lLuaehu. on Maui. Paul K<n>a was eh sen Clerk for Ihe Xobles, and Kapae tbe Clerk Cur tl»e H »asc of R‘presenUt:vea. l'he foll»wing aiv the Uws and rcs >Ives pisa d at t iis sessioa. — (To bt Continued.)