Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 20 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Citysā Meat Market Oppo. Qr.£K>E Emma Hal .108. TINKER, Maker ofihe Cekhraied Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tev Tkem. Meat Delivoml to An\ Part of the City aml Soburbs. Mutoal Telephono Numbvt 2S'J. Y0K0HAMA BAZAAR, — ConuT of — HOIEL vfc NUCAXU Silk :uul Cropcs, Embroiclered Hadken hief*. VVindow CurUins, Straw H.U;, Fans, Lnnterns, Baskets. all s >rt; Dishes, Tea and Breakf.ist Trays, Flower Pots, Silk T> d<juilts, Bamboo Screens, Neck-t:.s, Silk | and Crepo 8hirts, Japant' Toys. Japancse Provisions by the u h - sale. jy2S MURATA A C0. City - Carriage Go. Biacksmith Shop 107 KING STKEET D. BEj\lT, M^na0er Blacksmith Work ASD Carriaj5 Sj33iring PAIMTNG :AND :TBIMM1NK In all its Brancbes, at Bed Koek Prices. Mulual TeIephone 382 Giveusa Call andjudgo for yourself. jy23 ADLTNISTHATīON'S >: N0TICB, TIIE UNDERSIG!»EI) hnving lx-i ;i appointetl AJmini»trator of the Eoiai-- • Eeīei.o Kakoi. (k) Iatc ot IIouo ulu, < deceMed. Noliee U lu‘n;i>y giren to ai m‘dit“ ‘ the decea.«cd to prescnt their chiircs wheih' r securcd by Mortjraire. or olherwise, d;.ly authendicated and with the proj>cr vou> !ier-. if any esist to thc u:idcrsi4rned witbin - \ months frcm the date bereof, or t!i- v v. !1 : • forever barred; and all ]>ers«>iis indēbr. d ‘ ■ the said deceased are request to m. .:••.•• im mediatu payment at the Olliee of 4. K. K.i i;li\, Corncr of Oneen and Nuua'iu 8t.-ceU, Up-stairi. KAILI PETELO KAKOI Administrator oi thc Estate of !’■ Kakoi, (k) dcecase«L lionolulu, 8ept 11, 19M. #cpt II V.v YEE CHAN, DEAr.Ei: Lv FiijB Fnpn$hing [}oo(i£ Fine Tailoring Fine Chine«e and Japanese Handkerch:tfs Nos. 31 to 33 Nuuanu St. Hon >- luln. P.O. Box 2Ō3. iv-3 J. H. TROSCH Ooot & Shoe IJ0 Fort Strt Bep*iring, neatly sole and heel witf» p Half so!o and hoel &u7 MEDEIRO Engiuh inū g T»eeGs on ’ wowk guira a"SbS;v aa<Wy Artu: v ,-• > *'¥* 5B8Mi