Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 20 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

-t L\SURANCE,« fxre and mapine TI1E SI»l?teSWSBD IS AUTH0R1ZKD T0 T\KE FIBE and MAKINE RISKS 0X Merchandise, Hulls. Car"oes, j Kroiffhts and j Commissions At Curroiit Ratos, in tlic CoSj xamklt: j R()YAL INSURANCE COMPANV. L1VLRP00L, \LUANCE ASSURANCE F1UE A MAKINE, LONDON, WILHEi.MA ( F MAIXiEBURG OENEKAL 1N5URANCE C0. SUN INSURANCE COMI*ANV, SAW FBANCISCO. .1. 8. AVAI ,KER, \g> for the Uawaiian Islamls. ORT)WAY & P0RXER, Iiolriiw.ni Bh“-k, Hokl SL, bdwcen Fort anl Nuuanu , Have Jnst Rcct \cd,]tr Late Airhals. tle 1 Ftccl cl FUB N1TURE Ev r lmpOrted to this Country, Comprising v Ha ndsome Carved Bedroom 3ets lxi 8<>lid Onli. ando/ ihe l*AriLSTDl'SIGhiS. E.SPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED T0 TE1ES£ SETS: WICKEH WAR.B, soi Iv iutiful Dc*s;gus of Ware, consisting of VS CHA1RS. R0CKER9, etc., vou ean get these F1NISH vou dcsiro. in any CHAIHS, onutless numbers of CHAIRS, in everv stvlo, inc)nding OFFICE an.l HIGH CHAIRS. 'r-A.Bn.Dss, \\. liiiio !.;*.d a nuVl>er of cails for tliesu i.»blos, \vith CIIAIRS to matcff. We havo uow in stock the most BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOM FURN!TURE EVER SEEN IIEKE ā Sideboards and -;- 01iiffonier» 53-DI Isf «i Divuns oovert'd wit!i PORITERS are , ociiiug ■ t*? Iho rage in plaoe of LOUNG£S -we Ml to fi\lvr, aud havo a laige stock ol PORTIERS lo aeleoi fr ni. I EEDDIITGi Gre t As ertme:.t ,>f\VOVEN WIKE MATTRESSES—Sprmg, H;.ir, M(-ss, Wool and Stra\v Matlrēsses ou l;nnd ai|d m;ulo lo order. I.1VE 0EE9E FEATIIERS a: d SILK FLOSS fur Pil ows CR1BS, CRADLES. etc. WINDO\\ SllADES o? all colors uud sir. s. CORNlCE L\)i.ES, in \vood or br ,<s trimmiugs. B B B-A X B X DT a CK M4ttres>es, L<-'un«: s au 1 all UphoIslerod Fnrniluro repaired at rvasouable n.tes. CAB1NET MAKINO, iu all its brauches, bv Com|)otent Workmen. MATTINO LA!D aiul Int rior Decor ting under the Supervisiou of Mr. GEOROE 0UDWAY. ()ur (»oods are 1 rst Class. aud >ur ]>rict s are ti.e lowcst Come aiul bo convinced —a tri is s *licitod. Bell tf.lepuoxes: Aluluai G4ō. ORDWAY A !’<)KTEB, Robiuson Block. between Fc»rt aml Nnnanu Tfl>:iuones: Bc. ll 31) l Mutual 417 Kesu)knc£: Mutual 410 P. O. Box 117 F. B. THOMAS, =L ’ .u n ■> C0NTRAGT0R and BUILDER imatos Given 011 A.11 Kinds or • • KK, llillN, W 4 WEN All Kinds of Jobbtng in the Building Tradc, Attended to. KEEP8 FOR S-\X.E: BncK, nimo, Ceraont, Iron Stone Pipe aml Fittings, OKl A New Corrugated Iroa, Mimou Tues, Quarrv Ti.es, assorted sizes and colors; C«lifornū» and Mouterey S*nd. Graaile Curbiug and Bloeks. etc., etc. t Comer King Smith Sts. OFFIQE <£l YARD:sOffice Hours. b to la M., \ i »04 P M.