Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 20 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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;riif iiolmmu €almdar. SEI’T 20, 1604. - M i wrh Pr S*t Nev Moon, I | ī 6 7 8 9 10 II Ang. 1 2 3 4 Firat Qn*rter, Ang. 8 Fall Moon, Anp-1. . 13 14 IS 16 17 IS L»g{ r»»r.e« I 5Bf 2» ;7 29 30 31 | AnR ' 30 i’oxn<>n 'iaii, *ittt irt. a^;na:i. . on wa:.. imiooo. nstnvlw. • ., m» ... • q . • ujii> .. ’»rri iuoo. i; -tmli*.. ■ ■ ..! . . raw%. ,,,. ■ ■ li i.. Lame<Ik.. *rr.iu o. !Stl • iiii'o»» .. »W4 2 wt ni'lei . . >nowai ., urrimoo., g.,. will leave for ■«n.l »rr ve ,, ,. S;.c Frtnci8Co ami other foreign o;; ,jf «tout tbe f«*Uowing date«, i’ī thc c!< «=f* o( ■. ,■ E I4ovoltix Drr at Ho^olctx S»v Fil%>< :«v. F«. 8*5 Frasc*» V.ts orvF.t o» Van .ocvu. . ,.Iane23 Anstrali*....Jons 16 .. Jcne28 Anwa Jore 23 .. Jnly 1 Manpoaa Jcly • ! > . ..Joly21 AostraKa.... Joly 14 4, Jnly 28 "'ammoo.. .July 23 » Aa’g. 1 Monowai Aug. 2 * Aog. 1S Auatralia Aug. 11 Ang.23Arawa Ang. 23 So}>t. 1 Alame-la.... Aug. 30 . .Sv]it. 15 Ar.straiia Aept. 8 ..vpt. 22 WgjricK>o.. .Lept.23 , Oct. 3 M«riposa l-n* 1 - i let. 10 Austmlia Oct. 6 ,.. Oct. 18 Arawa Oct. 23 ... N»v. 1 Monowai Oct. 25 ..Nov. 10 An*tralia Nov. 3 ,,Nov. 15 Alameda. Not. 29 Dec. 1 M'ammoo.. .Not. 23 '’ r . S Anstralia Poe. 2 v.i£ 2 . ,IX-c. 30 Am " »* «7 Ao«trmba*.— 31 V I NS|:|,S IV,PORT. |naval vn«tu. H i’, M S I(yacinth, May, F«qnmnlt, B. C. MEaCUANTMCN. Am l ktue S N Castle, Hnbbard, San Fran. l.er 1 k Senta, Tiemnnn, I,ĪTerpool. - • -\V STalbot,Blnhnm,Newc*8tle NS 'V. F>k 111* llithct, Morrison, SF. i:ktnc Planter, Dow, Lysan lsland. Fk ( D Bryaot, Jacobsen, SF. 1 .k Vvl»city, Martiu, Ilongkong. s, r l:»bert Lowers, Ooodman, W« bington l k \iiuarn, Brown, N« wcnstl«\ N S W. Am 1>5. Martha David.Ceuiax B. C. Am Fk Ceylou, San 1 ranci«sco. { i. s. S. Ansfralia, S.in Francissoo > -'u Kmnin CUudina Nolaon, Fang’s lal. V I.SSFI> EXPECTtD. Am bk W S Ph«*!pft Gray's Har... .Dne s hr Allon A S F (Mah) .due Scbr Robert I.cwcrs... Gray’H‘b’r Doo Br ship Orm*ra Newcastle.... Aug. 20 Schr Sadie SFi Kah).... Ang. 20 0 & 088 Belgic Yokobama.. Aug. U Bk C D Brvaut 8F Ang. 22 BM S S Mnri{iosa... ,Sydncy Ang. -3 Bk <> N Wiloox Middle8lK>rongh AHg..> (' AS S Aiawa Vanoonver... Ang. 24 OSS Alameda S P Ang. 30 (’ AS S \V»rrimoo Sydney Ang. 30 1 MS S China San Fian. ...Sept. 3 Bktnc Johu SmitU Newcastle. .Sept. 4 Gor lik Panl Isenborb. .Brcmen. ...Nov. 1 B.irk Bontonl>eck Liverpool. ..Nov. 23 En. Reqna of theEmpire Saloon lias made a uew deal whieh will touch the hoarts, or at least tho palaiee of many a thirsty wandercr. Ho keeps •‘Lalf-and-half on draugbt aud sorvcs a rnost delicious nud eool beverage, far siipcrior to “plain boer. eo 17 (f J. J. Williams the well-knowu Artistic Photographer is making a spocialty of portraits ou Watch I)ials and Silk Handkerchiefs. Complete sots of Lantern slides lecturcs ean be had at tho gallery. For they are sold at a roasonable liguro bv the dozen or by the huudred. Soft soap man s Cocktail 5 cents a g!asa eold only to ealvations ctc., Bt'thel Hall, Bethel Street K. BREIIAM. Rothol St., Mutual Tol. 314. aug 22 * CARD OF NOTICE. Scharf & Co., will remove to Arlinplon Block Hotel Street, where they will be betler abte to serve aud pleaee their l’alrone. WiU keep on hand all Ihe laleel paiien). . . Book Stationerv, Period»cale A NoveItiee, in all branches of the trade. ee 14 tf dlf^CUIT — OF THE — {UMm» i?laW IN PROBATE. mattrr of the c*t*te of B*« M«M,U) 0 f llouolnla. Oahu, <1«k*mnJ, hi»ri*ar\, A. ix. Admimatr»Uon bsne to her, i.W U <3*t on FR1DAT. the 2Ut £MBEB. A. D. icd loi i«*ring P*J llkk *\> n ot this Coort, at Ilouolnln, nr ana }>J*cc all pemoa* »r *nd »bow v*0»ē. » *«> — ->_ iH-UUon »toould n»l iooolula ” »tiould nol bc «ng. 35-»wdly l F. P»TKUtO», U«rk.