Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 20 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

THOS. LTN DSA v 2W' Mer» hant Sir o: 'I Xf>-- , H V •/ Siher and Lh‘ Jewe’rv Maoufactare t■> e- $ W*tches v Īe3»e<i an i r KgrCall 5ii aml ir -} * f t ? r c- * se4-tf. I- —“ “ f£otel Kahului 'Aau . Si^q. PSOPIHAT soi't 7— tf \VE IXVITE ALL XMOK. To eall .uitl msr>tvt >ar Uno of the celcbnu*ti G. B. l\ ;■ . ■ 1 iuul oie irettw h< <1‘-U*rs. HOIM'ĪI'K 4 CO, 71 : BOTH TELEPn ' K- :71 —COXSOL1DATKI SOPA-:- W VTER WOKK(LrtrrrTr.nO Gust. A. M jer, HAWAI1AX JīOTEI. BAR: . Ladks Shan'p< ■ a alty. Honoln’a. Chas. T. (hliek NOTARV PU5LiC For the lalanel o-i Oahu. Agent to Tako AekuowioL, i ..tto Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant Marriagc L ses. Honolulu, Oahu. Agont for the Haw n 1 ’ : • i Pitt & S.ott’s Freight and Parcela Expro«s. Agent for tho Borlingt >n II ■ Real EstalG Brolcor asd 6cneral Ar°m Bell Tol. "IS; Mut. Tol. 13*J; P. O. Pos 113. OFFlCE: Ko. 33 MERCHAN1 Stro«d Hnnoluln 11 1 lo\/eJoy &C0. Wiqe \ Liquor< ūealei^ 19 Nuuanu Street > We wouhi eall your alle ,t a . Our Special Brand' . Longlife <$ Pure Creūm RYE V/HISKEY. i Fredericksburg BEE*. au‘2 in eaaka or b4: - Y. LUM 51X0, Dealer in Frnit.s and C cer.< Fresh Fruits by Every Culiforn.ii 5teamer, Eresh lsfaml B<;tt-. from Hawaii. 135 Fort Sr.; Cotfee Roastetl. P 0. Bo v . 1’ 1 . Fresfa Jsland Prodaco, C ' Delivered to Anv Part of t 3 . City, jv21 |Tai Wo Wing Kee Co. I 36 NUUANU STREKT Dealera in Ladies' & Gents B - aml Shoes rnade to order. P O Box 367 ) CHIN KEE. H0R8ESH0EIXG SHOP. Maunakea a Pauahi Str > t. N«w aet %I1 ioan«l § l X Okl mi &U Jroxiu<i 1 <• Xext Ooor lo No. 5 ILniie. •agl 2STOTICE. 1b BXLLS for ur A< .; . oe pajwi,le ottpr«seti'.atioa. Wt a pwee to r«sort to ths>imte. r>a «tse ioab»lhy toeolk>et tfco m:> jx;tv n*iarUking hAU after fa;ier-v. tāv .> ■ WU UAMS BKf'6 . ED. A. WlLUAi ' V-