Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 20 Kepakemapa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
S S^LE! THE ENTIKK »TOCK OF ] Wenner & Co. WILL 3F. SoLD Regardless of Cost. : $ept 5-tf _ • PIONEEH Steam CANDY Factory. I RUi KRV aml loe Cream Parlors I phactical CO N F'EC TIO XK I t m m m m F HORNV.v,n 1863 1894 asd ORNAMENTER Iii aU br<inches of the bu*iaett on Iheee ielanle. Americ*n, Ensr’;i»h, Germ*nand French PASTRIE» Maiie to Order. BIRTH-DAY ASD WĒDD1NG C.UĒS MaJo ol *lie Very Best Matcrial and at Keasouabk Kates. Family 6raham &. Fancy Bread on Hand. ALL COXFEtTIOSEBY Manufactnred at My Establishment Arc Gnaranteed to be Positively Pure and SoId at Priccs no other cstabUshmv nt ean compete wiiU. FACTORY AND STORE, N'o. 71 Hotel Street, Honolulu. Both Telephones No. 74. Jy26 Per S.S. AUSTRALIA froiu the Coast CAMARINOS Refrigera:or I) Contain a Full Supply of lee House, such as Frozen Ovsters, Crabs, Fresh Salmon, Canliflower Celery, Muscat Grapes, Peaches, Apricots Mectarines, Japanese Pluius Tokay Grapes, German Pruues Crawford Peaehea, Silver Prunes Rose Peru Grapes, Bartlett Pears, Sikle Pears, Etc. California Fruit Market. Mutual Tel. 378 lt RISG UP MUTUAL TELE. 313. NIEPER’S Baggage Express, OAiee, ‘K9 Fort St„ Honolnln. H. 1. Baggage and Furniture Carefully Hand!ed and Delivered at Sbort Notice to All Parta of the C:ty. Stand on Cor. of Fort & Queen Sta. Jy25 Kwong Sino: Loy Merchant Tailor, Dry Gmdt, Men and Ladies’s Shoet. So. W7 St«ct, Dear “Holoiau*.” TEE HOP. No. 4>2 King Street, I)eaier in Cjlīforaia and Hawaiian Praits, and cget ibles, Goava Jelly.! Tea aud Gr»aiid Cotfeo, Cigars etc