Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 20 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
LA0IE8' e^LUNIK. —#— “ \Vbene’er 1 uke nsy j sbrosd how maoy px>r I Dr. w.v5 the aothir ot miDy hymns, but the Iearned and j ■ rsvered «ersirier never ;n truer lune than when he wr>t’' the line? was quote. He ?;v-v l’ o c!a=- he dvscr:l k. jo?t s- ”-ey are soen now, and m:vny i tue causes whieh ia those d»y» cr.atpoor people, operates in fiact’y tbe 5a-Be n33n';er tvxl*y—the| ?rejtest ean?* *' ' nndool>bM*y l[s| JUDICIOUS BU Ylf4Cī. and \vaste cf mor.ey iu i nrsuit of the wi!T o the wisp« of tnde. neglect f*portun ; t -. not ta ug advantage ot' a Qjtck o\kES \f<D Sft\LL PflOflT svstem. Good soid on th;>t me.on a positive saviog to you. Thore is no denying this. and no one evcr was made po"*r by econmy. We bardly know wben t eoin- , menee wheu it gets to mentioumg good. Our st.>ck is so full of new "00^3 Our White Linen and W bite : and Co!ored Cottou Ducks are well wortb menti >n. We also have sotne lovely pati terns of Cotton Crep< s in Morning and Evening Sh;tdes Tbese Cre1 pes are new goods ard will please i you. Also a full line of pjF\fDjdf\E Ca/Ef\ifiq. We waiil vou to look at t!.om, Sltk P Oe\JlEf\ES ? C{jEf<iLUE Pof\JlEf\ES. and as for Rdqs. v r we have a!most any kind you want. }sext week \\ OOI.E.S GOODG will b' heard from. B. F. EHLER3 & C0. L. B. KERR'S ANNOUNCEMENT! I H.WE JUST EEGEIVED A L VRGE ASSORTMENT 0F . FINE SRITiNGS, ELEGAXT PATTERNS, ANL) LATEST STYLES. These g»Kxls wlli be soM in any Qnantity froui a 100 Y.vrds Dowx to Enouoh to M.vke a 8ix<.le Srrr ! —AND AT—HAED TISE PEIPESi I., R. kl'.KU. - • |MI0RTKR, Qaeca Sueet. Sept$-Sm VIA¥1 EEIED1ES. WILL rr«CC<H«apton, S!tet:s«ati«a, » CaUrrit, ilwie, aU 3kin F«eutl« Coa-1 aad KUe» hv tbe w<a»l lonutre etit«rt&uu*> llul it \*lli rere Lrawy. Ttej’ m Veeel*fclr Kea*edJr« tstl e*u te 9»M b.r tb: uctt <SeHcst>.- iwi tbc j«ws<est cbūU. i'r ivs wiiki.. r--«fh ol s!t. aoiU b} Sn. f. U. <3jI1«»*}, IU3 aius «»re«l, W«y Hioei, ivBder Hanaoo? Umxi, iANKuui«.