Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 1, 19 Kepakemapa 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.

September 17, 1394. I If we remember correctly the I **Charle»t >n" was the first of the “ Whiie Sqū2idron ’ to visit Honoj lulu. Her »rrival on her seconii croise is still in the minds of" people who were bere on January -JeelS‘Jl. When with fl»g» .it lulf mast snd yards eock-built she entered port with the bo<ly of King Kalakana, the kind attentions sbown by the officers to the King darirg the voyage to tbe United States and the, a’most sacred mmn r >u whieh tbe bodv was guarded whilebemg i borne to the I»’ands, endtared | the “CharIeston' T to the peo:.!e |of Hawaii. As mueh as it was in the power of tbe people. their appreciation was shown to the officers daring their sta}' and when sailed they left graven on t«blets of love and raemory,evj idences of their Aloka f>r Hai wa.i. Few, if anv, of tbe officers • who were heie then are on tlie vessel now; some have reacbed the age of retirement and others bave gone to oth.‘r vessels but the Charlestou is still grean in the heart of tbe Hawaiiana. Have yon $.er used a Pansy St ve? We have iheen selliug them for four or five years and to day they wear the “Yellow Coat” iu the empire of stoves. They are recognized by every oue, eveu dealers in otber stoves, ; as a superior article and one whieh they do aot care to ruu up against. Of course stoves may j bo bought from people who are uot dealers. We have people ruuning here every day or two for fire bricks and parts belpugiug to stoves ihey have bought frora other parties, and when they find they cannot get thera they discard their stoves ond bny a “Pansy. lou see there . is a disadvantage in buying dear things at low pnces. Come to us anJ get a Pansy at $15 00 and you get fn11 valne for yonr raoney. You don’t get a 00 range for fifteen dollars, mind you, but you get a first elass stove that is worth Tbirty dollars to auy one Onr Roady Mited Paints are s ;ite<l to the wants of ueople who bave a !itt!e painting they want to do themselves. Tlie advantage in bnying a prepared paint is that yon have the benefit of tho best mixors in the United Sfcttes without baving to pay f<»r it. The paint is ready for use directly you take the top oft‘ the ean and if j’on don’t find it eheaper and bettor tbau any yoa ean mix ycurself we are mistaken in our experience In California the Painters are using the prepared article iu preference to buying lead and oils becanse they find it to tbeir advantage to do so W'e believe it is only a question of timo when tbe painters bere will fall into line. Hanging lamps are in as great demand now as ever. People I seem to wnnt something for ligbt- , ine pnrposes that will give as good light as the son—they find it in the lamps we are giving away. Onr eheap stand lamps aro i an excellent thing for a servants room and will find a ready sale in the Island stores. We ean supply any demand. for a single lamp or for a thousand. of Hawaiians j whose Kuleanasr need fencing; and we have tbe wire with whieh to do it. We havealso the ma-| terial for building a fence tbat will last until loog after the milienium. Iustead of paying a high price for posts, oreven get- | ting them for the culting. yonr fence will cost you less money if yon buy steel stays »nd washers I and mike a Jones Locked ieaee. We have everything yon want j in tbe hardware »nd boose furnishing goods line yon wisb. , And we tourt investigation a» to their qnality acd prices. 1 11 Tlc Haw m Birina Eē. ’ W7 Fort Stnst 5